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  1. Wild to see Devin Townsend in the top half of albums of the year contenders for 2024. I wouldn't even put it in the top half of albums of his career.
  2. No need to cry like, but maybe work on that notion of empathy you lost 40 years ago.
  3. It's just a bit sad that even now there are still people like yourself who still weaponise events like Heysel to completely dehumanise the inhabitants of an entire region as a whole, as if the entirety of Merseyside and North Wales were are all complicit, 40 years after the fact. I had only checked in to this thread yesterday to see if anyone had watched the cup final. I only felt the need to call it out because it was disappointing to see far more bigoted bile on here than I'd heard at the pub up this way during an old firm cup final.
  4. Call me naive but I just don't understand why you're so angry about football and have so much venom for people from different postcode that aren't quite as angry as you. I'll say it again, you've crossed the line between banter and outright bigotry. The purveyors of today's Glasgow derby handled far more deep rooted social divides with considerably more class.
  5. See this is where the point between football rivalry banter and pure bigotry are crossed for me. Hate fans of any other club as much as want but as soon as you tar a collective of people over their football allegiance as "bloodsoaked murdering cunts" you've lost any sort of moral high ground. You and them are far more alike than you are unalike.
  6. That's fair. Maybe something like Kyle or Barry then. I still feel like I've done the poor boy a massive disservice calling him Mohammed.
  7. Have to confess I'm actually a bit gutted to see my lads name in that top 10. If I'd known Mohammed was such a popular name with heavy religious connotations I'd probably have named him something more conventionally British. Like Gary.
  8. Probably the most entertaining PL of the season so far. Thought the draw was probably a fair result and I'm a bit surprised by the reaction on here. A few bottles of broon should give a bit of perspective. 👍
  9. Aye, whatever my point was I'll concede I didn't articulate it very well. I only still check in because you're a mostly reasonable and fairly rational crowd. Football rivalries are one thing, but poverty and child abuse chanting boils my piss. Revelling in the idea that you're a better a class of person based solely on where you grew up, and most of you are better than that but still let a lot of comments like these through completely unchallenged.
  10. Aw that's really sweet and gives a great bit of insight on how you and your Scouse husband have one of the strongest marriages in the history of football rivalries.
  11. Try the JHS Supreme if you get a chance, it's probably the most versatile of the Superfuzz options out there that I'm aware of. Nothing wrong with the other options but they're pretty much just one trick ponies.
  12. I think you're baiting me here. Fuck it, I'll bite. Thats a long standing point of contention and a huge can of worms. I lean a little in favour of the people who will tell you "that's not a fuzz" despite loving most incarnations of that said pedal.
  13. Sorry to be "that guy" again but I'll need to be more specific than that. What's the fuzz? You still rocking the fuzz factory or moved onto some other fuzz face variant?
  14. Sorry to be "that guy" again but I'll need to be more specific than that. What's the fuzz? You still rocking the fuzz factory or moved onto some other fuzz face variant?
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