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About beejay493

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  1. Naively,I did expect a little empathy.Pardon me for having the temerity to intrude.I should have known better.
  2. Sorry,I don't understand your reply.My point is nothing has happened,it's still the same.Crawfords(loss adjusters)being as awkward and obstructive as possible.
  3. We still have no kitchen.Insurance companies are bastards.They just hope you'll give up and go away.
  4. Just a bit of advice for anyone who ends up having to deal with Crawfords Loss Adjusters....you have to badger,harrass,chase,hound,plague.torment.bedevil and generally bother the fuck out of them before they take any notice whatsoever.94% one star reviews on Trustpilot...
  5. There's just no urgency,nobody seems to see it as a problem that we'll have no cooking facilities for at least two months.Mind,we have made a few quid marketing it as an"Authentic Ukraine Experience Diorama".This what it was like before they took the flooring up...
  6. This is our kitchen six weeks after FSH(builders) and Crawfords(loss adjusters)got their hands on it.Crawfords stopped FSH doing any more work on it because they found (inactive)woodworm.Trying to get anything done is like nailing jelly to the wall.They seem to think that May 10th is a reasonable length of time for somebody to rock up and have a look at it....not do anything,mind,just have a look.
  7. Mungo Jerry,Dando Shaft and Flying Fortress City Hall July '71.Fifty pence to get in.
  8. The thing I don't understand is a free kick for offside was given,but the offside preceded the handball.It's almost like they're searching round for some reason not to give the penalty.If they'd looked at the offstde first,they could have said"Oh,nowt to see here,he was off before the handball".
  9. OK,I'd forgotten that one but I remember the '77 episode well.
  10. It's referring to the 12th August,when the grouse shooting season starts......
  11. Will go along with that,excellent little amp.
  12. !974 that one,the mighty Little Feat with him there......
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