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Everything posted by Wayne

  1. We have to do better defense. They came to our side too much, easily. If we can stop them in the midfield, it would be better. We have few attacks but effective. It will be enough.
  2. We fought great but we were very unlucky. This game deserved 3 points. Totally wasted. Darlow just fucked up. Regardless, thanks to the coach for adding character to the team. I look to the future with more hope.
  3. My god, are you kidding me? That was amazing run. Totally wasted.
  4. Maxi is great today. He'll bring us 3 point. I'm gonna kill that Toney btw.
  5. Wtf you doin Darlow? We started well. We're gonna win this match. Bravo Cpt.
  6. I'm satisfied with the choice. Good luck Eddie! 💪
  7. After the red card, we couldn't even make one shot attempt. Unbelievable.
  8. It would be appropriate to wait 3-5 more years for A-List managers. First of all, it is necessary to restructure and prepare for the future. One of the most suitable names for this transition period is Favre. I remember him saying once that he didn't want to work for lofty goals and intense pressure. Dortmund and Gladbach performances were also not bad in terms of both playing up for the top positions in the league and work with the young players. I'm not biggest fan of him but he seems to be okay for our needs. As for Fonseca, I have no idea. If the sale had happened earlier, it would have been Rafa or Jose. We would be very satisfied.
  9. I still can't believe we got rid of Ashley. I was beginning to think that this day would never come. It's time for Newcastle to reach the glory days it deserves. I'm so, so, so excited.
  10. Wtf is that man doin? There are 2 RB on bench, and he played Hayden over there? Fire him! FIRE NOW!
  11. If that's not, then what is racism? He could say "that man" or something else.. He said exactly "negru", not negro. It's meaning black guy in Romanian language. But, doesn't matter anymore.
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