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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. aye, fully agree with the first bit there mate. do you think they're suggesting these checks are for all tickets or just digital?
  2. sinister as fuck this mind, they're gonna set up the scanners at man city to deliberately reject random tickets so they can haul you off to a ticket office and photo id you. I don't think I want any part of this shite. https://www.nufc.com/
  3. honestly man, what the fuck goes on in their heads? why the fuck did he even write that? does he even believe that shite himself?
  4. as much as I think hosting these games is a bit of a pr disaster, certainly as far as providing ammunition for the likes of delaney and holt etc, goes. I really don't think the rest of the country's football supporters by and large will give a fuck, it'll be old news by tomorrow. chelsea's daily £80m signing will be infinitely more controversial to the majority. I'm sure there'll be some wailing and gnashing of teeth on rawk as they try to disguise their angst over the possibility of losing their seat at the big boys table, I'm sure there'll be one or two dissenting voices on other teams forums too. but the realty is this, I went to half our away games last season, from leeds down to brighton and various different places in between mixing freely with supporters of the other clubs in the bars and around the grounds. I experienced not one single abusive or derogatory comment regarding our ownership aimed at our support. as for games I wasn't at, to the best of my knowledge I am aware of a banner at crystal palace and a one a middlesbrough who we weren't playing. I recall a chant of 'no noise from the saudi boys' during the 2-3 against tottenham immediately after the takeover and likewise from chelsea fans after their one shot at goal in the game at sjp last november, we then took the lead! I think the mackems really need to get a grasp of the fact that two million posts on their putrid messageboard is not a sign of a major uprising against nufc. indeed wearside amnesty's 150 followers is far more reflective of the general lack of interest among the population of sunderland than the rantings of halfwits on rtg..... the absolute whopping thundercunts.
  5. bit of an odd one isn't it? I can only imagine the outrage it's caused over on wearside amnesty fc's parsnip section as sadly I can't view it anymore!
  6. I quite admire him for what he did at aberdeen. soon as he crossed the border he became like one of the bad scottish guys in braveheart. not to be trusted.
  7. I just find it hilarious that chelsea's last 2 signings have gazumped liverpool of 2 of their main targets. the angst and fume on rawk is tremendous, they've even managed to rope us in to the equation due to clearlake and the pif. just need salah to fuck off to saudi now and it's been an incredibly entertaining transfer window.
  8. ooo look at me, I'm a bit of an aramco boy.
  9. £47 for a liverpool ticket. trying to remember if it was £40 or £42 last season? anyway, although not as bad as the hike in price for aston villa tickets over the 2 seasons it's still another canny mark up. more and more of the opinion that the ONLY thought process in the new membership scheme has been ro fleece an unlimited amount of members for as much money as it can.
  10. wildly inaccurate ones like this..... https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/23490423/newcastle-premier-league-manchester-city-saudi-arabia/
  11. I wasn't joking Alex. mind you, even though Gemmill's thread title for the man city game, by his own admission isn't the best, it's still leagues above hank's usual 'poocastle'
  12. not too dissimilar to @Gemmill in fairness.
  13. 8 match threads started, 8 unbeaten. blows out the water anything arsene wenger thinks he achieved. I am the invincible.
  14. aye, very poor title. you'd have thought you'd have a bit more effort in to the last one you'll be starting for a while.
  15. turkish toothed bellend. pretty restrained really though, mrs bd will testify it's nowt compared to my rants about the classless cunt although it's probably best to keep them off youtube for fear of a visit from plod. red dippers obviously love him but then the average scouse has about as much self awareness as to how much their club and support is hated across the entire country because of their self entitled delusion and the fawning they receive from sky sports and the rest of the media. fucking bin dipping, horse mouth loving cunts.
  16. don't think so mate, not unless you've got a bit of a thing about watching a matchstick man slowly walking along a line.
  17. they all talk to giant white rabbits, usually called harvey.
  18. I'd imagine there's been a flurry of new membership purchases with liverpool postcodes today. no mention of any kind of previous purchase to enter the ballot in the blurb on the official site whereas there has been in the past for this fixture. whole thing is an unregulated shambles.
  19. I'm only being outwardly nice to him mate, I'm already plotting the coup for the liverpool match thread. that baby's mine.
  20. it's refreshing to see you broadening your horizons rather than limiting them to the blue dippers actually.
  21. they're not bothered about us anymore mate, despite the two million posts to the contrary.
  22. ballot for the liverpool game opens tomorrow, closes 10am thursday, can't see there being much interest in getting tickets for this one.
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