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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. fucking seething. we were playing 10 men at home. we were worse than what we were in the 1st half away at man city. it was a fucking disgrace.
  2. that was a fucking disgrace, fucking embarrassing 2nd half. every single one of the cunts wants shooting with shit.
  3. just noticed these cunts play their arch enemies (now we no longer exist) coventry today. thoughts and prayers go out to jimmy hill's statue.
  4. they hate him because they said he was shit at his job and has proved to be anything but. it's as simple as that.
  5. think that's all they do stock mate, well other than ftm badges.
  6. I managed to get one in resale for villa, got one in the basket at resale for the liverpool game too, £72 in the milburn. told mrs bd I was going to the match after all and she went fucking ballistic because apparently I had family commitments which in her opinion took priority. a heated, bordering on violent 10 minute confrontation took place. I backed down and released the ticket from the basket without paying for it. for the greater good I let her win this battle. she'll never win another one.
  7. I've always valued charlotte robson's concise and insightful musings.
  8. aye mate, I've seen it before, a really good watch and a proper nostalgia trip. loved the doll I did, and at the risk of losing my reputation on here as a rather upmarket, discerning type of gentleman, I also quite enjoyed a pint or two in the ford arms in byker.
  9. pipped to the post by MF, I can only graciously accept defeat to his speedier typing finger! oh and by the way.... hang your head in shame, the broken doll was at its glorious den of iniquity best as a matthew brown pub before newcastle brewery sullied not only the fare on offer but in particular its former magnificent signage!
  10. nowt out of two in the ballot. no luck in the resale this morning. kicked off the website for refreshing for the odd, non existent seat that kept showing up in the east stand. apparently i'm a robot despite doing their poxy jigsaw correctly about 15 times. sick of this fucking shite.
  11. i want the cunt to get really, really bad gum disease. and that's just for starters.
  12. I'm not convinced that n.u.s.t. are having much input in to this to be honest UM. I could be wrong mind. I can understand and appreciate the reasoning behind allowing younger folk lower down the loyalty point list who want to go to away games getting the opportunity to climb the ladder, I just don't believe the clubs motives, it's all about control and the threat of handing out needless draconian punishments to their own support. the worst aspect of the latter part of this is that boyd weddell, who's still deputy head of safety and security at nufc was passing on tickets in bruges. he was defended and protected to the hilt by his boss and the club at the time. he'll be the cunt who's writing letter to folk telling them they've had their season ticket pulled for doing exactly what he did, the fucking whopping thundercunt.
  13. aye, I'm sure it is. mind you, haven't man utd publicly stated that in their investigation in to deciding whether or not to reintegrate him back in to their squad that they're privy to information that isn't in the public domain?
  14. aye, she'd be within her rights to retract her statement and make a new one. if the new one was along the lines of it all being just a bit of role play and she was prepared to state that in court it would pretty much fuck up their case. that said, you'd think she was very much in the territory of wasting police time? fucking astonished though he's seemingly got away with it.
  15. it's hard to imagine though what other bit of new evidence could've materialised that would've prevented the cps from continuing a case even without her as a witness? all very bizarre.
  16. I acknowledge the winkie. you take the time to read about newcastle's deputy head of safety and security?
  17. there is not one single thing that the club have done regarding ticketing.in the run up to the beginning of this season that warrants any kind of credit for. its been an utter fucking shambles from the outset. they have actively set out to maximise profit while at the same time treat decent, normal people as potential criminals with draconian punishments for anybody erring from their fucked up system. just in case anybody was unaware of what kind of people who are are still running the show with regard ro nufc's safety and security, here's boyd weddell... a corrupt, failed, ex pig...... https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-sunday-post-newcastle/20130331/281479273873196 still there, still handing out stadium banning orders to people with no criminal convictions. ready to fuck this off again me.
  18. not a peep on a ticket for the liverpool game either.
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