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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. how much did you pay for a gun? I had one when I was a kid, webley I think, been looking at second hand ones from gun shops, frightening prices! would appear ebay, gumtree etc don't allow the sale of them so not sure where'd you pick up a second hand one privately without a shops mark up?
  2. not seen any foxes. a couple of years ago we went to see a house advertised as on the edge of the brecons, turns out it was actually on the edge of newport. anyway, afterwards I put some petrol in the car at the morrison's petrol station I was fucking gobsmacked at how many rats were just strolling about the forecourt in between the pumps etc in broad daylight, must've been at least a dozen. they didn't give a ahit about humans and nor did it appear that the other people using the petrol station give a shit about the rats. can only assume they were regulars there and used to them. I was fucking horrified me! nowt like that in me garden as yet and hopefully never will be, I'm quite in to the idea of getting a gun and turning in to a sniper.
  3. that's not a bad shout in fairness. my knackered sheds and decking are probably providing them a home, their fucking enormous crab apple tree which overhangs my fence is undoubtedly supplying them plenty to eat.
  4. aye, I'd imagine so. I started clearing a huge pile of fallen willow branches which had been dumped on the periphery of the garden. found a rats nest in there with 5 babies abou 2 inches long, I bashed the little fuckers with a spade, was hoping that might sorted the problem, but it appears they've moved under the shed instead.
  5. rats..... I keep seeing one in the garden, emerges from under the shed, also some old decking and off under a hedge to another shed. probably highly unlikely there's just the one little fucker but by the same token I don't think I'm quite in need of the pied piper just yet. anyway, seems the best starting point is making the environment less habitable for them, ie tidying the garden uo, it had been neglected for several years. I'm getting there but it's gonna be very expensive and time consuming. as a quick fix I'm loathe to use poison, I don't want to endanger birds, my dog or next doors 2 cats. so I'm looking at buying an air rifle, probably 2nd hand. longshot I know but any of you fine gentlemen had a similar problem and got any recommendations of what make of gun is a good one as well as affordable?
  6. far from a regular on this side of the board so miss most of what's going on. be strong mate, sure you'll work it out.
  7. I don't know what we'll be mate, hopefully not a club owned by a 14 year old that's flip flopped about between the 2nd and 3rd divisions for the best part of a decade and has just taken 6 months to employ a failed manager that no fucker outside of lorient has ever heard of. that would be awful.
  8. head spinning stuff on the couple of pages I read on there yesterday. I usually find it quite amusing watching/reading them whipping themselves up in to a frenzy of surreal fantasy where imagination becomes reality in a matter of moments. they've actually become pitifully tragic in their desperation instead. anyway, hold on to yours, it's cast in stone, the saudi's have deemed us a hopeless case and are buying tottenham instead, it'll be done and dusted by lunchtime today.
  9. absolutely loved the mad little cunt me. ran his socks off for us, never give less than a 100% for the cause sometimes considerably more. carried ahearer for a year when his legs had gone and fucking nailed it at charlton athletic when he called souness a fucking prick. shame he didn't chin the scottish cunt on the training ground a couple of days later. hope he's a tremendous success for the welsh.and proves to be as popular and respected in the role as another former black and white, gary speed. we kicked the tories out of monmouth last week and now this news, it's a sign..... fuck england, howay the fucking boyos.
  10. probably fretting about which trollop's instagram story he was about to feature in next.
  11. mrs tbd gets hyper watching england play, odd really as she's generally not particularly patriotic. anyway, for the greater good I kept mime internal!
  12. anybody else cheer when schar scored his penalty?
  13. and now it's time for the posturing, jaw clenching,, 2 times ex man utd, geriatric rapist, thundercunt show. allez les bleu.
  14. got to doff your hat to the german's as hosts here mind, playing some really cheesy spanish music in reverence to their victors.
  15. I rocked up in cheltenham at the back end of the 80s, two years later the tories lose the seat they've held for 18 years. move to monmouth and 5 months later it's goodbye tories after 19 years. I am the tory slayer. just a footnote,absolutely delighted that cheltenham has got rid of alex chalk, absolute thundercunt of a man.
  16. monmouth, historically regarded as a tory safe seat. been held by david davies since 2005. set to fall to labour apparently.
  17. deafening silence with regard to your arbitration case against masters and his mates. thought there might've been the odd leak or two or even some speculation by now. are man city supporters taking the apparent lack of news/guesswork as a good thing or bad?
  18. god only knows what kind of website you download emojis like that from.
  19. a young boy at that. my phone hasn't got any emojis like that.
  20. nowt other than red cafe claiming we've only got £2.7m to spend on one.
  21. ah right. I was a bit concerned you'd got your phone from the dark web..
  22. why? what the fuck's supposed to be happening there?
  23. paving the way to get lee charnley in to be in charge of everything.
  24. canny video that if you listen with his voice turned off and watch it with your eyes closed.
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