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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. there's probably as many germans living in majorca as there is in munich.
  2. I don't think there's gonna be many football supporters up and down the country thinking newcastle have won this little spat mate.
  3. there's not gonna be any ear splitting SLAM for us tonight is there? can't even see an uninspiring ker-lunk. just a pathetic pffft.
  4. nee cunt. same as when I was out cutting the lawn.
  5. anyway.... what this thread has established is that 19 people are bastions of football knowledge and 14 should start playing tiddlywinks.
  6. 1) enter a ballot (number of winners unknow) 2) win ballot, get a 2 day window on a first cone first served basis to select and pay for your seat 3) find every device you have capable of connecting to the Internet and install every browser ever invented on to it. have your head nearly fall off as it oscillates from side to side determining which stick man is walking fastest. 4) pray when it's your turn in the queue that the shite website doesn't boot you back to the beginning again. 5) pick a seat (number available unknown) and hope it goes in to your basket rather than flash forlornly. 6) invest 20 hours a day in to playing the robot/fastest finger first game. 7) buy a dodgy firestick.
  7. 0/3 success rate in the ballot, man city the latest failure. would be nice if they gave even a hint of information as to how they've split the available tickets between ballot/online sale. far be it from me to throw a conspiracy theory in to the equation but I also wonder if the ballot is weighted in the favour of those who"ve forked out the extra tenner to be superdooper mag+ members?
  8. face it, we're just not gonna get one over the line. but we tried.
  9. I wanted an old copper whistling kettle for the campervan wood stove. had a look on ebay and found exactly what I was looking for. put a cheeky bid in for £15 with 24 hours to go and checked in again with a minute to go only to find I'd been outbid. hit them with a big purple one in the last 15 seconds and got the fucking thing for £19.50.... ruthless, that's me.
  10. and I'd agree with that. id have no issue with a low ball offer initially. the 2nd bid would be the best one. at which point I'd walk away. were up to four or five now IF the press are to believed.
  11. you've listed another reason why parish doesn't let him go for £45m, the two acls. he is a cunt, but probably not a stupid one.
  12. parish isn't letting his superstar, english central defender whose just been roundly accepted as the stand out performer at the euros go for £45m. not happening man.
  13. which is why it madness we're still seemingly chasing shadows with guehi 3 days before the window shuts. we've had three and a half months to address 2 problem positions.
  14. meanwhile.... there's none so blind as those who will not see
  15. I sincerely hope so too, because as it stands we'll finish the summer with some greek 5th choice goalkeeper as our biggest buy and can start counting off the days till isak/bruno/gordon fuck off to pastures new.
  16. we do aye. which is why the whole thing with guehi appears so frustrating. we look like some daft obsessive cunt on ebay who ends up paying twice as much for an 04 ford fiesta than it's worth because they refuse to be beaten in a bidding war.
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