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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. fuck me man, wheres that passion been for earlier part of the season? bit of a nail biter, would've been beyond gilutted if we'd come out of that with nowt. referees was an absolute cunt. how the fuck was there only a minute added on to the first half half? it took the cunts 5 minutes to come back from scoring the goal. 7 minutes at the end because they weren't winning... fuck off man.
  2. if gemmill can quietly soldier on and go about his everyday business when his foot was all but amputated, then isak should be able to manage a game of football.
  3. we do. we sack eales forthwith and replace him with the bonesaw man as ceo. we then get him to sit menacingly close to masters at all future premier league members meetings.
  4. don't shoot the messenger. I'm only here to bring happiness and joy.
  5. not be our problem for much longer, fucking off to be with reunited with his old mate dan..... https://www.footballinsider247.com/exclusive-man-united-turn-attention-to-eddie-howe-after-boardroom-bust-up/
  6. I forgot.... we've even roped kevin mccloud and george clarke in to sorting out the stadium for us.
  7. in all seriousness though was does the cunt do all day? we've got silverstone sorting out our sponsorships. we've got nickson out doing the scouting. we've got mitchell sorting out the transfer dealings, badly. we've got stephen tickle running the ballots and making sure the corporates get all the away tickets. we've got dave gregory and boyd weddell dishing out the bans to the bad boys. we've got eddie, jason and graeme looking after the coaching. we've got jimmy bunce making sure they're all eating their vegetables. we've got some fucker called colin perkins ordering in the cheese burgers for catering and hospitality. we've even got shola co-ordinating the loans. cunt just sits there limbering up his vocal chords for afternoon down at the stack.
  8. google has us on the 2nd page and creeping upwards. hope he self searches me....
  9. my mate had one of them walking to the grosvenor casino after the southampton game. we had to make an emergency stop at tesco in chester-le-street to get him some bew trousers.
  10. I mean, it shouldn't take 2 years to realise there's a great big street of grade 1 listed buildings immediately opposite the east stand, they've been there for the best part of 200 years. also, you can quite clearly see there's a metro station with train tracks underneath it exactly where you'd need to put the foundations for an extension to the gallowgate. me and my very good friend alex want answers, and we want them NOW.
  11. gemmill and ct stood at the front of the stage at the stack throwing their boxer shorts at eales as he belts out 'who's that team we call united' nauseating.
  12. I didn't realise the powers I could wield, gone with one lethal click of the screen into the void of threads that should never have existed. I wish you every luck in succeeding with a winning cup game and rightfully starting the man city thread!
  13. I'm not sure how much credit you'd give eales for the adidas deal. as a company they've been historically linked with nufc, also the club employed peter silverstone in october 2022 as chief commercial officer, from the official site is the following blurb on p.s. ... During his tenure at Arsenal, Peter led several successful commercial initiatives, including the onboarding and development of Arsenal's Adidas partnership sela joined after silverstone's appointment so you could probably argue both this and adidas are his babies, it's what he was employed to do. noon on the sleeve predates both eales and siverstone so we'll have to give the credit for that one probably to staveley and her chap. eales appeared on the scene in July 2022, a month before the new season, so as I'm a vindictive old fucker who took an instant dislike to the insincere cunt I'm gonna give him full credit for bumping up the price of a ticket for a game against 'low category' teams from £35 to £47 we started a feasibility study in to a new stadium or ground redevelopment around about the time dinosaurs still roamed the earth, the results of which have been imminent since the neolithic period, but still nowt. the recruitment of players in Jan 22 and summer 22, ie the ones which predominantly saved us comfortably from relegation and propelled us to CL qualification were pre eales. we've lost ashworth to man utd, failed to land freedman from crystal palace and employed a cunt instead whose not been here long enough for a shit and a shave but has already overseen a barren transfer window and fallen out with the manager... veey publicly. I'm not having it that eales is anything other than a cunt, a smarmy one at that!
  14. done my.head watching them going from side to side across the edge of the penalty area for 50 minutes. dull as fuck.
  15. truly a harrowing watch, probably more so than anything I've ever watched or remember on the miners strike and orgreave in particular before. why ill take a hatred of thstcher, the tories and sadly the police also to the grave. heartbreaking I thought to see some of these men still broken by events from 40 years ago, but nonetheless a must watch....
  16. quite an easy going bloke me, not prone to taking on irrational dislikes of people, however when now tv or whatever the fuck channel it was panned in on him and mitchell sat together at craven cottage the cunt heightened an already grim day. can't see what the fuck the bloke offers to our cause, a smarmy insincere cunt whose pr stunts fool nobody other than the profoundly stupid, a player whose career never progressed beyond newmarket town reserves. was tottenham's lee charnley for a few years. then fucked off to the footballing backwater of america. bloke's a cunt. he singlehandedly makes me never want to set foot in the stack, ever.
  17. complete lack of any atmosphere for their biggest home game of the season. must all have been rendered speechless by that flag display.
  18. canny goal. but fuck him, celebrating like that with the mackems. if he was my lad I'd chop his fucking feet off.
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