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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. good start to the day for the big scramble to get a season ticket.....
  2. aye, fair enough! not much consolation though to the people living in fear of general mole along the m5 corridor. to say nowt of the village of pilton being lockdown.
  3. it's all very well for you lot to be taking the piss but you're all fortunate enough not to live within a mile of the direct route the mighty mole and his gang of marauding mackems will be taking to glastonbury next year.
  4. the glastonbury cup is quite cool I reckon, or at very least infinitely superior to the elton john trophy.
  5. the pain of last nights screenshot fiasco suddenly vanished.
  6. one of the fuckers has even started a thread about it!
  7. don't knock it yer twat it's took me five fucking years to get that far!
  8. sam fender at glastonbury! the mackem cunts will be burning down pilton.
  9. and just in case there was any doubt up pops exile, the predictable, whopping cunt....
  10. hope it's happening now at last though try to avoid twitter type speculation on the whole until it looks as good as done. too old for the stress!
  11. fuck botman, the blood soaked murder sympathiser, rape victim stoner, hurler of gays from buildings and killer of yemen children. and he's shite (just saving meself a visit to rtg)
  12. I saw pop, jinky jim and the mighty wyn all play for us as me dad had been taking me to the matches from about 5 or 6, sadly I don't really recall individual matches/performances till from a few years later, dunno why, but it pisses me off a bit.
  13. I thought I'd strayed over there for a second! a very tenuous link to this.... I very seldom visit there these days, their human rights outrage has become tedious rather than hilarious in its insincerity. one of the regular contributors to the sports washing thread is keithS303 (sp?) anyway, I probably visit newcastleonline even less than rtg but a couple of days ago I was reading the sunderland thread over there and keith was being slated for his over the top views as he should be more restrained what with him being admin and that, the poster then went on to say he had no idea who the player was in keith''s avatar and that he must br a mackem journeyman. keith's avatar is pop robson who scored 82 goals for us in 206 games and was part of the fairs cup winning team. one of me old man's heroes. not a single poster on n.o. pulled him up on this. I despair for the youth of today I do.
  14. have you been on rtg to ask the mackems what they think of him yet?
  15. useless cunt probably rewatches these videos a dozen times and still can't work out just what it was he said.
  16. is there people pissed off who packed it in years ago? my biggest problem with the way the club are doing this isn't so much the randomness of whether you're lucky enough that your ip address is one of the first 1000 to connect to their website at 10am amongst the tens of thousands who'll be queueing up before hand to get on there, because at the end of the day a lottery is probably the best way forward. however, the above method probably eliminates a shit load of people whose work doesn't give them access or the time to spend hours refreshing the Internet. should've been a postal ballot.
  17. I mean, it's all very well you lot having a cheap laugh here at my 85 year old mams expense, when by far the greater issue is Kid dynamite as good as admitting to being some hideous hybrid of jimmy saville and david fuller.
  18. I am mildly intrigued as to just who it is who can vouch for kid dynamite being the chester-le,-street mandingo and poor gemmill being the complete opposite, and how do they know?
  19. spot on this too. the 'returning gutless cowards' (trademark ugly mackems) who were on the whole who made the atmosphere in the first place.
  20. spot on. I hated having my first season ticket. same with away games, if you had a spur of the moment decision on friday night to go to blackburn, you'd get up on saturday morning, possibly a bit worse for the wear and pack out the back of luton bedford with loons and beer and off you'd go. the good old days!
  21. on a more serious note, I've just finished work so thought I'd have a look on the official website. I'm queue number 28,548 and there's nearly 4,000 people ahead of me! I bought all.home tickets from spurs up to brighton meself and then from then outwards I got a season ticket holder who sits at a pc all day to get one on my behalf as I literally couldn't spare the time, they werent reaching general sale anyway and the website was a fucking abomination, most specifically for the liverpool match, but for others too where it crashed. next tuesdsy will be farcical. think I'll just put the euro lottery on instead. more chance of a successful outcome!
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