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thebrokendoll last won the day on October 21 2024

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  1. aye, but then equally i can't imagine howe wanting any distraction before the game itself. talking to me brother yesterday about it and his theory was that they might display st the ground after the last home game of the season instead.
  2. have the club said anything with regard to showing the cup at the brentford game? I'd like to think they would at full time, or at least I hope so!
  3. there is one very clear and obvious place to view proceedings worthy of consideration. here....
  4. I'm struggling with how the other parent and yourself ever came to this conclusion to be honest.
  5. talking ro me old man last night about the bus parade to greet the players after the losing '74 cup final. I remember the 11 yr old me on the pitch with me brother who was 8, a mate called bill conroy, (now sadly departed, his uncle owned a furniture shop, seem to recall they had an advertising hoarding at the back of the gallowgate and were often matchday/ball sponsors) and me dad. the players came out on the west stand. me old man reckons it was reported that there was 250,000 lined the streets or in the ground. I would say 100,000 would be a poor turn out to be honest!
  6. he's that not bothered about us there's a reasonable chance his heart'll explode one day when he's hammering on his keyboard.
  7. sofatester handing out some valuable advice to his fellow mackems about how they shouldn't pay any attention to us vile bastards anymore. the secret is just not to be bothered by anything that ever happens to us apparently. this despite him spending huge swathes of his tragic life contributing multiple times on every thread about nufc. the stupid fucking cunt.
  8. on several occasions some of our support sang 'brucey brucey give us a wave' fucking astonishing.
  9. aye ok big man. you won't be saying that when he's lying in wait for you outside hancocks museum.
  10. mind you, I'll concede they.might need a few of your mates about, if a fucker like you.gets a ticket for the town moor who isn't even a low life member and a superfan like uglymackems misses out there'll be absolute fucking ructions on.
  11. they had a 1.5 million people rock up in london to protest the Iraq war, 3 million apparently in rome. this happened without any fucker worrying about how many portaloos were available or whether or not it would be advisable to stock up on elastoplasts. honestly man, you've spent far too much time amongst fucking coppers you.
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