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About RisingDamp

  • Birthday 01/13/1985

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  1. I've read he's going to Fulham! So, Muto it is
  2. Well my topic spiralled qick! £30m WOW
  3. Good crack anyway chaps! Got to go, work in the morning, well past my bedtime
  4. Has to be the geordie dancer, the worm was his best move in Sam jacks
  5. Haha correct and it's Lee not stevie
  6. 1st South Americans to play in English football?
  7. Haha no idea who stevie is, but it was ossie ardiles as he gave youth a chance
  8. Best laugh is, I probably know more about Newcastle than half the fuckers on here haha. For instance! Who did Lee Clark admire the most as manager?
  9. Everyone signed up to the NUST then? I've just went in today, tenna for a lifetime membership! Might head up to the next meet
  10. Couldn't agree with you more mate
  11. Your bad Mackem sense still tingling on me!? 👍
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