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About SonOfSam

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  1. Are you the lad on the left or right of your photo?
  2. Clearly you are missing the point here. Sunderland got rid of AJ, so why hasn't Newcastle got rid of Cisse?
  3. No idea who they are pal. Do you fancy one of them like?
  4. "FOOTBALLER Papiss Cisses first wife told yesterday how they falsified their sons birth date on documents so no one would know he got her pregnant at 13. Adjia Siny Thiaw, who was 14 when she gave birth to the Newcastle strikers son in Senegal, said they lied to make it look as if she had been over 16 the age of consent. She said: We changed his date of birth so Papiss would not get in trouble. Paedophilia is a serious offence and it would have been bad for his career. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6542557/Papiss-Cisse-got-me-pregnant-at-13-says-first-wife.html WTF?
  5. Ashley is a giver not a taker. He won't like Rafa trying to stick his fafa in him, pants down.
  6. Lee Ryder's head looks like a badly shaven testicle.
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