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Everything posted by superspur78

  1. Townesnd. What a piece of business that was. Laughing all the way to the bank fat geordie b@stards. At spurs we used to say he thinks football is played over 30 minutes because he goes missing for the other 60 minutes. Some of our fans used to bring binoculars to spot him because most of the time on the pitch he was on a tea break So then joke fans from carTOON land how does our feeder club feel about being relegated by Sunderland and are you ready for a pasting this weekend? Just about every stadium in the country were pissing themselves laughing on Wednesday Its just dawned on me that next year were on a european tour a could play Barcelona, Bayern Munch or Benfica. You lot are entertaining wait for it CONTINUE TO WAIT FOR IT Burton Albion Whats next for you fat, jobless, useless Geordie B@stards Fleetword Town? How about a pre season match against the local JD Weatherspoons pub team to get you ready for the stiff competition next year
  2. Ha ha Geordie w@nkers entertaining Burton Albion next year ha ha. This is too good to be true. Whats next for you fat, ugly, grubby, jobless wasters from the appalling carTOON land known as Newcastle? How about Fleetwood Town or for a real challenge i hear the JD Weatherspoons and local nags head pub teams are looking for a competitive game. I will admit the latter you might just be capable of beating The jocks want another referendum? There's all this talk of next month's EC referendum well i want a referendum myself. I want to put it to the good people of this country for a vote on whether Newcastle should be part of England? I mean lets look at the facts. No one likes ya, no one respects ya and no one can f@cking understand ya. Its a win win for all. Lower the scottish border and you can join the Scottish league playing those football heavyweights of Alloa and Raith Rovers. You might just stand a chance of winning some games there As for Burton Albion, I hear they do nice pies which i am sure will go down well with the fat geordie b@stards munching away whilst downing a pint of Mcewans lager Ha ha ha
  3. games of thrones is one of the worst shows in history. Its shit like your football team!
  4. are you telling me newcastle actually charge their pitiful fans to watch home matches? I would rather watch paint dry
  5. Are the geordie b@atards ready for a pasting this weekend? Going down. Enjoy Burton Albion next year
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