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Everything posted by superspur78

  1. Fuck off and goodnight to the lot of ya!
  2. No need for that I am enjoying myself here thank you. Next time you lot go to WHL and decide to pick on defenseless disabled folk who have done you lot no harm and only watching the game then have the courtesy to back it up after the match and not scamper away like chicken cunts. Your fans are a gobby parade of fat, gutless trash and you know what deep down you all know it! Enjoy your internal war with Ashley and a pasting this weekend!
  3. No but it does pay for the welfare of all you fat jobless, useless grubby cunts in the north east. That is why i want the referendum mentioned earlier on this forum
  4. What? I walk past britains best beach every day. What is the beach in newcastle made ofrom? Sand, shingle or shit?
  5. Believe it or not turnt is actually a correct spelling on an american keyboard setting. OK fair point headmaster. It makes a change for someone up north giving a lecture on spelling just because one likes to type fast! I see your fellow geordies on this forum have also mastered the english language (check around) but notice no reaction to them? PUNK
  6. Because I am pointing out that Newcastle is a joke on many fronts be it football, employment or the weather. It must be awful. I mean appalling to be associated with that club and city!
  7. My point is it is you the geordie supporters that has caused relegation after relegation because you do not support your club (even though you claim too). i have witnessed it myself at SJP and on TV its just jeeers and whistles and that rubs off on the players. Have you lot forgot the debacle a few years back when big sam was in charge (how sweet he must feel now)? He had you lot a healthy 11th on the leage and your clueless, jobless supports were chanting "you dont know what your doing". Remember that? You got him sacked and then king kevin keegan turnt up. There was rejoicing in the toon streets and in typical keegan fashion he took you from a healthy position all the way to skid row ha ha ha ha TOON FANS ARE DELUDED! The sooner you realise this and shut your sweet mouths and all the bravado that comes with it then better your lot may perform on the pitch! HOW ABOUT THAT FOR AN IDEA!
  8. Sorry the weather is so nice down here that i had to treat myself to a Magnum. I hope the lousy Geordie weather in your most embarrassing week is not ruining your afternoon. If it is then not to bother as the local swing park can always cheer you up. You know the one painted in black and white stripes. Take a ride on keegans slide....
  9. Got to love the Geordie supporters. defiant to the end but full of shit. How can you justify yourselfs when you have been embarrassed by lousy Sunderland like this? What's your excuse because you always have one? I mean this years Aston Villa got ranked by the associated press as the worst team to ever play in the premier league AND YOU STILL COULDNT BEAT THEM TWICE
  10. Sorry i forgot that i was being lectured my english professors. Not something you associate with geordie land so i will type a little slower next time
  11. definately a spurs fan and proud of it. I would never call my club proflic cup winners but at least we average two major honours each decade. The last major you lot won was the fairs cup of 1969. Put another way any carTOON supporter under 46 years old have never seen their club win anything of any note in their lifetime. I thought west ham was bad but you lot are something else. Are you eligable to enter the Johnson's paint trophy next year?
  12. A cunt that is enjoying your lot play at Burton Albion next year. If i am a cunt then you lot are fucking fat cunts!
  13. Once for the record sunshine but we done the same to them in the 60's so all even. whats more embarrasing winning a league your locals ground or wearing the very colours of your rivals after herbert chapman (a spurs player) thought it necessary to promote spurs panache to their mindset? Thats the modern day equivalent of Niall Quinn becoming manager at Newcastle and demanding you lot were red socks or something. It wouldnt happen would it. You lot would be outragred right. Yet it did happen many years ago! Enough said!
  14. well its definately not newcastle is it. The obvious answer to that question is London although i will admit the plans for Manchester and Liverpool look OK. BTW notice how Osborne rejected Newcastle on the northern powerhouse development? That's because he knows carTOON land is a dump
  15. Yes there seems to be a pattern here. You fluke results at WHL and in the corresponding fixture we smack ya like we will this weekend!
  16. So you are knocking Sunderland for beating ya for the past 5 years and sending you down right? You sir are a fucking hippocrite! Off the field Arsenal are inferior to us in every way. We have the better supporters (I have gooner mates who admit it), with exception of man shitty we have the best training facility in the country and soon will have the best stadium. Arsenal have been dominating us on the pitch yes but that is about to change! BTW did you know the white in their red and white is derived from Spurs. I dont care if they won 100 cups THEY CAN NEVER LIVE THAT DOWN! Anyway enough about them and back to your shit supporters
  17. I'm sure they didnt but i thought i would torment ya anyway!
  18. Bottom line you lot are our feeder club and i am sure Ashley (spurs fan BTW) will request some promised spurs youth players to help your stinking predicement. Its nice doing business with ya. We brought the genius called Gazza from ya, We brought the genius called Ginola from ya, we brought the genius called Waddle from ya, we brought the man mountain Sir Les Ferdinand from ya and Jenas etc. In return we gave ya stephen carr and Townsend! ha ha ha ha its nice doing business with you fat jobless geordie b@stards! ha ha I hear Burton Albion do great pies which i am sure will go down well with the fat carTOON fans helped with a pint of mcewans
  19. look theres all this big talk from you lot but facts are you down and nobody in the PL is going to miss ya. The jocks want a referendum, there all this talk about next month's EC referendum well i want a referendum myself. I want to put it to the good people of this country for a vote on whether Newcastle should remain part of England? I mean lets look at the facts. No one likes ya, no one respects ya and no one can f@cking understand ya. Its a win win for all. Lower the scottish border and you can join the Scottish league playing those football heavyweights of Alloa and Raith Rovers. You might just stand a chance of winning some games there although i wont bet on it
  20. Well last time i cared to check it seems sage is about the only offices in Newcastle so enjoy them. Your largest employer i am lead to believe and even they dont want any association with your shite football club Sums it up really!
  21. Can you not read or are the school in carTOON land as bad as their football team. I live in Bournemouth so to give you a geography lesson that is in Dorset. Is the brisk NE wind causing early dementia for you lot?
  22. Go online and see the new tottenham makeover. All the scum are being rehoused. I recommend we send them up to Newcastle but then again how would you know the difference the whole place is full of scum
  23. Are you a comedian? If you know anything about football you will know that spurs core support is based in affluent areas such as harrow, stevenage and chelmsford and not tottenham itself. Infact there is a million scattered around the south east and herts. BTW the harringey that you knock is about to have a 1 billion makeover (iron clad guarantee from government) thanks to its close proximity to the centre of London and that is independent of our new stadium regeneration on top. In 5 years there will be restaurants, shopping malls and even a business district with office skyline etc. In other words it will no longer be a dump and business people are buying local houses now because they will be worth 3 x as much in a few years time
  24. Oh this is wonderful. I am lazing in glorious Bournemouth where it is a very pleasant 23 degrees. A place much liked by me and my fellow yids as 1) we had an 8-1 aggregate win over them this year (a fixture you lot lost BTW) and 2) it has 7 miles of blue flag sandy beach. Its nice to see the large spurs contingent down here having a blast because unlike the fat, grubby, jobless Toon tw@ts our fans are a mixture of the rightous and the rich. Oh were are my manners? I should have checked the weather before making such comments as it seems carTOON land is as usual rather dull, a miserable 9C which rather sums up their city and its football team. How despressing! ha ha ha ha ha. If you look up the word hell in the oxford dictionery you will see a photo of Newcastle next to it!
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