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  1. What’s the purpose of these money bleeders again? I know their job titles but……..
  2. Christ I wouldn’t have a clue, I only remember that £6 because it was the first season I’d managed to get to every home game (ironically until after the first couple of Keegan games - moved abroad for work) Before that tickets, rather than just paying on the gate, were only if I went in the seats with me dad and would have no clue on the cost, he usually paid!
  3. Still used to pay cash at the turnstyle on the Gallowgate up until 92/93. Six quid if I remember right. Although I do remember one glorious day that season I had to leg I round to the Leazes for some reason, v Bristol City I do recall.
  4. Some fair points but he bloody rambles on far longer than needed'. Fuck me they even turned the lights out on him, like at last orders in a pub in the eighties.
  5. Steven Taylor getting in there
  6. Jurgen Van Slott starting to show himself now like.
  7. Just before Christmas I was in Morrisons looking for a decentish bottle of gin for wor lass and I sat on an old blokes arse. He was standing right behind me, bent right over looking at the opposite shelves, I didn’t know he was there and kind of squatted down to look at the bottom shelf I was facing and sat on his arse. 😬 I didn’t rub me sack on him tho. I got quite a shock, not as much as he did mind.
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