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SpartaFC last won the day on May 31 2021

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About SpartaFC

  • Birthday 08/02/1965

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  1. The ghost of Jimmy Hill working his hoodoo again. Long live the chin.
  2. Has anyone got the Jimmy Hill over the SOL picture?
  3. No one will never understand what makes them tick, they are all fucking tapped.
  4. Is it a bloke? It's got nasty tits and when it's sidekick zooms in I was reminded of Little and Large.
  5. God yes, I remember that slime! Our paths probably passed, I was a regular in the Doll. Slalom D........
  6. Remember that place well. Next to the dog and parrot. Casual type fuck nuts last oasis before the prison bus home.
  7. Imagine the new lift they could get at the academy with that £50m...
  8. Pritchard and Baaaarttth may be gone soon as well. The Model will prevail. Looking at 6 big signings incoming.
  9. Isn't Stirks where their old manager left them for?
  10. Thank god the Doll got destroyed before they got their hands on that. Scorched earth policy!
  11. This has got me really anxious. I'm Blaydon born and bred and I've just found out I'm supposed to be a mackem.
  12. I was at Wembley yesterday. First thing I saw opposite the Gateshead end was an England/sunderland flag with FTM on it.
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