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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Whether it came from a lab or not China has behaved appallingly. Hardly racist.
  2. Wonder what he's using as his face covering
  3. Chinese virologist who fled to US vows to PROVE coronavirus is manmade https://f7td5.app.goo.gl/gdRiHU Sent via @updayUK
  4. Hayden is shite. And his angling to leave until Benitez left just tells me he wants the easy life rather than harbouring any real desire to improve.
  5. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/i’d-sack-parkinson-if-we-don’t-win-tomorrow.1528036/ Parky oot
  6. It i was one of the others sneezy would be gone first like
  7. you in any of them? Or just looking through the windows?
  8. We need to get Francois involved. Someone that won't take no for an answer.
  9. Alcohol? I'm having a scat party to celebrate the football being on
  10. Having every game on telly is mint though. I'm getting SHITFACED on Saturday
  11. It’s hardly a conspiracy when there's Chinese scientists fleeing the country to whistleblow.
  12. Nobody with a Huawei phone has caught it. Weird.
  13. He'll play up front if Wilson's parents turn out to be wrong'uns.
  14. His obsession with little boys baffles me. He still thinks he's managing the u21s. He's a talentless manager dining out on a lucky as fuck world cup draw in 2018
  15. No she doesn't. She directly links it to a military lab that was recklessly experimenting on bat coronaviruses
  16. Well they'd have had access to that stuff by the vialful
  17. That's what I was getting at man. In response to Tom saying that it was as simple as women having stronger immune systems.
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