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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I'd be too busy fingering myself to post on here
  2. Up early for overtime, thanks to Donald!
  3. $750 tax says you're wrong
  4. Didn't say they weren't there mate
  5. 90% of them don't even have symptoms.
  6. Weiiiiiirrrrd how he's in all the risk categories. China would hate this thing they definitely didn't create on purpose to wipe him out. Not Donald, who started a trade war with them. Weird.
  7. No mate because I'm not a wetwipe that has a nervous breakdown at all of the wrongs in the world. I see him for the comical figure that he is. Trump's China tariffs mean the American multinational I work for gave their Chinese orders to the plant I work at. Winner!
  8. We had Brexit first so I'm going to say yes
  9. The things he promotes just highlight how utterly ridiculous he is. And his childlike mannerisms are frankly hilarious. His America first agenda has benefitted me personally Hope he gets reelected.
  10. I'd have given you a like for that if it was delivered quicker
  11. I struggle to understand the hatred, personally I find him hilarious.
  12. If he quarantines at one of his golf courses I'll be suspicious
  13. Are Big Macs good for the immune system?
  14. Two or three years ago. Or more recently, on Sunday when Carroll came on.
  15. Not that the authorities could prove that bit like
  16. I want one of them to find a can of that stuff for sale and it to to turn out to be blue
  17. Never heard of anyone in China getting Long Covid Syndrome. Weird.
  18. Thats why I've peppered my dream team with penalty takers. Show me the money!
  19. I want to see Biden start some LOCK HIM UP chants at his rallies.
  20. Two nil terrus. Theyre goinnnn toooooo Can't breathe
  21. They might not be planning on deliberately wiping out care homes this time. That'll bring the rate down
  22. Theres no joy aside from the games we won. Odd.
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