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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Tyrells salt and cyder vinegar are the unbeatable crisp. Anyone tried those flaming hot tangy cheese doritos? 😆
  2. Yours could just be disassembled
  3. Probably there because it's black and white. Anyway it's all just a coincidence
  4. You've just posted a tweet and condemned him for downplaying the severity though
  5. Apparently our best bit of business was keeping ASM, who has 4 years left on his contract, has shown no desire to leave and who there have been no bids for. Bravo, nufc.
  6. They need to pay for all these extra games they got for free somehow
  7. Aren't we supposed to pretend he's good because mackems say he isn't? Or is that just their thing?
  8. Fat old tories can flout the rules as much as they want for me!
  9. We fight the horses up here mate as we're not soft as shite
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