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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I meant the Italian cheese, the teesside slab of chicken with melted cheddar would be a more likely find on Fish's menu.
  2. Works great with a finely grated parmesan
  3. My choice of cocaine over cheese over the Xmas period about to pay dividends with the gyms shutting again.
  4. Depends heavily which vial the strain attacking you came out of.
  5. Been off my tits since the 23rd. Was going to have a night off but it's Saturday isn't it!
  6. My test results came back as a columbian cold
  7. I do a cracking fry-pan pizza with an egg base
  8. Imagine the raw materials needed for a statue. I'd be moving my pension into the mining markets.
  9. Heartbreaking to read, sorry for your loss mate
  10. I should have been worried about posting that, but no.
  11. I'm buying xanax online. Can't recommend enough
  12. So a natural progression would be one or two changes. WEEEEEEEEIRDD.
  13. I honestly don't read any conspiracy stuff. I've found the whole thing fishy on my own!
  14. I'm much improved mate, and my problems pale in significance to yours. Being able to point out to you when you're being a bit of a fanny though is key to my own recovery though
  15. righto. I'd happily correct ewerk but to avoid being facetious with regards to Renton's personal situation I'm not going to.
  16. Well you could have told us earlier. Renton has slashed his wrists
  17. They'll have had vials of the stuff around the globe before even then.
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