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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. He's pushing his energy drink but every time i see a picture of him with it I think "monster".
  2. Testosterone gel Disappointingly low-tech doping.
  3. He's not a striker that's why. Oh no that was a couple of months ago. He started last game up front ahead of Gayle and Carroll.
  4. That wouldn't piss them off. They'd just make it a big 7
  5. Copper arrested over that missing lass in London 🤔
  6. I'm absolutely positive none of them will be risked before ready leading to more time out
  7. I loved the shock act from Oprah after the skin tone revelation before referring to her card full of questions for follow up questions on the subject
  8. Money Machine was an interesting one I watched on the fireschtick the other day. About the Vegas mass-shootings.
  9. I came across that earlier when doing my daily browse of #orphans
  10. They could just slip Jon Favreau straight in if they wanted a new series.
  11. Not sure if late to the party but started watching The Sopranos. Great.
  12. But, given percentages don't add up to 100, I'm assuming they were able to give more than 1 answer/an unlimited amount.
  13. What a load of horseshit. How have they posed the question? Do 88% of them not like Prince George?
  14. This is okay https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-56314173
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