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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I mean if the various guises of Islam was tolerant and progressive then would Saudi Arabia be? I mean even Britain was intolerant and embraced capital punishment at various stages and relatively recently. What is holding Saudi Arabia back? Is it Islam or just because they're "scum"?
  2. Fuck giving your lunch hour up for any cunt
  3. Aye. 11 years at Real Madrid. Probably not the best example to cite.
  4. It's weird how Adam Johnson wasn't lambasted for taking Sheikh Mansours money. (Also weird how he wasn't lambasted for fingering a child but that's a different issue)
  5. No evidence that an offer from a mid-table club looking upwards was forthcoming. No evidence that he can take a mid-table club upwards.
  6. I mean the bloke's been out of work for 14 months after being sacked following a relegation. I find him playing hard to get a bit daft. We're in the fortunate position that any manager that actually puts a little bit of effort in is an upgrade so
  7. Delay is obv because they want the DOF in the bag and to announce the two simultaneously. thickies on here man honestly
  8. Coming over here, stealing our red carpet treatment.
  9. The backing off the man with the ball is awful to watch. He's a fan of high intensity and pressing which is obviously when we play our best stuff, I don't get the backing off thing. It's not like we're doing it to hold any kind of particularly effective shape. Just giving top level players the time and space to cut through us like a hot knife through butter. Then when we do make the occasional challenge our players are so sloth-like and unfit it ends up being a foul. We're fucked if we don't get them fit and fast.
  10. Maybe the Saudis are the jocks of the gulf states
  11. Norwich manager sacked. Probably announce Emery tomorrow
  12. TOT with his fucking armband should be getting him told before he takes the cunt as well.
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