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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-56581246 What? This is being investigated? And more work needed? But I was a flat earther when I suggested it!
  2. You fuckers will be queuing round the block when someone starts selling authentic victorian Gruel
  3. I doubt they eat it on Everest mate
  4. Did "smart price" embellish the point you're trying to make there at all, snob?
  5. Moral of the story, "authentic" and "superior" mean different things, snobs!
  6. I'm just surprised that such a winning formula has been modified so heavily by pretty much every nation that's adopted it.
  7. And salami is fucking SHIT on a pizza.
  8. I mean you said meats and cheeses, not me
  9. "Load it up" suggests toppings, as does the plural on cheese and meat, then you've just listed a few core ingredients and salami
  10. Basically something actual Italians are too arrogant/stubborn to do, hence the comment about pizzas being improved outside of Italy.
  11. He has plenty of donor hair on his tongue for transplant at least
  12. A tomato or creamy sauce, most likely.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.spectator.co.uk/article/even-hungry-migrants-won-t-eat-the-food-in-italy/amp
  14. I don't hold it against you mate. Sausages and sauerkraut must get repetitive
  15. Shit at wine and wine lists. It gets worse.
  16. I just clicked on the top search result. Maybe the Italian reds done qualify because the colour is derived from tomatoes rather than grapes:)
  17. http://www.worldoffinewine.com/news/the-world-of-fine-wine-announces-the-2020-worlds-best-wine-lists-8389221/ A big boot-shaped absence on that list.
  18. All the real men emmigrated to America for meat and better pizzas. And that's how the mob started. End of subject.
  19. I didn't till I googled that list. You can probably make the lot with one basket of the same ingredients. I wondered why the Roman Empire collapsed, it's because they're all protein deficient
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