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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Imagine thinking you can bunk off work without being told you're high-risk. I do like the idea of self-certifying shielding though
  2. Let them make it. Let the Saudis buy us and buy all the best players and turn it into a Sunday league
  3. Because he should have been shielding and wasn't told. Can you not read?
  4. Meanwhile his (also my) employer furloughed anyone that once had asthma as a kid
  5. He's now got a blind spot and lost dexterity in one of his hands amongst other ailments. No droopy face luckily, I told him I wouldn't hang about with him if that happened.
  6. My pal, the lad who had 2 strokes in his early 30s and has a blood clotting syndrome that he's on warafin for, Kidney disease and epilepsy got his jab a few weeks ago and was told he should have probably shielded for the last year. He's in the middle of suing the NHS after the doctor sent him home from a&e after failing to.diagnose his first stroke, despite blatant red flags, telling him to double his blood pressure medication. Hope he takes them to the cleaners
  7. Is worrying about city boys jobs not a bit capitalist for on here?
  8. BBC News - Jenners building owner launches probe after signs removed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-56764938
  9. a photographic memory would only remember asterisks wouldn't it?
  10. Or a more palatable nation's food
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