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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I've just realised that Ricky Hatton carries his fat the same way as Bruce.
  2. It might be. That's the whole point, it's a test
  3. Sympathy for you though mate @Gemmillmate
  4. So the fish didn't pre-warn his neighbour that he would be using their drive and check whether they needed access beforehand. That would piss me off as well.
  5. I think a lot of voters just opt for whoever they'd rather have a pint with. Farage had that well tapped
  6. I think they should have waited for a better opportunity to present itself and in the meantime stick to criticising policies. But in reality Starmer needs a personality transplant to appeal to the electorate.
  7. The bloke went to a DIY shop and posed with rolls of wallpaper. He should be working on his sense of humour.
  8. Personally I do care though, I'm just capable of observing that the wider public can't be arsed with it. Dick heed. Maybe it's your own capacity for critical thinking that's askew. I've criticised Labour for not appealing to the electorate. The polls say I'm right. People like you that sit on the left and stick their fingers in their ears is just more Corbynism
  9. It's as if the public have more to worry about in a pandemic than Boris' wallpaper
  10. Just in time for the weekend, nice!
  11. An NHS without Renton isn't fot Simon Stevens
  12. Come on @Christmas Tree . At least have the good grace to apologise.
  13. Your shed looks like a conservatory lol
  14. Were there rumours like mate or have they just dropped this from nowhere?
  15. Something that increases your resting bpm
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