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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. My point being how do you put an ongoing and changing situation into a national curriculum? And how do you teach it without triggering little Paddy's Dad, who has strong political views on it?
  2. Well in the 90s it was still an ongoing political situation and changing all the time. Hard to incorporate into a national curriculum. What subject would you put it in? I think kids should be taught more about politics and media bias but then I think you risk teachers imposing their own political views onto kids.
  3. Well I imagine they'll say Scotland already made their mind up. You can't just keep reballoting until you get the desired result etc.
  4. I doubt tories will be agreeing to anymore damaging referendums anytime soon
  5. Why will the union break up? They're not being given the option
  6. The "big" clubs wouldn't secretly come together to protect their interests
  7. Liam Smith is a cracking price tonight for anyone that likes a bet. Though I expecting getting a decision in Russia vs a Russian might be a stumbling block
  8. You can tell he's a little englander. It's the American blacks that play basketball.
  9. Sounds like sudden onset teenage psychosis
  10. I'm of the opinion that the NHS retention team should give you an estimated body count when you leave
  11. Bragging about his new job after leaving the NHS in her hour of need in the same breath as lamenting how many indirect deaths there's going to be Still, needs must when there's a gardeners wages to pay
  12. Grealish? Barnes and Maddison were looking good as well. Embarrassment of riches
  13. You must have preexisting conditions. Which to me says you're from bad stock. No ticket.
  14. There'll be nobody within a couple of metres of you. Just like a normal matchday
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