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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Dalton was the name of the reviewer I think, oddly
  2. I've just had a pizza. Was nice. Mexicana
  3. This wouldn't have happened if Tom didn't fake news us
  4. Bob Arum has revealed that Top Rank have reserved July 24th at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas for Tyson Fury vs Deontay Wilder III. He said: "We're not paying Wilder to step aside. It's better to get rid of him. We can make Fury vs AJ for November or December." [@ESPN]
  5. Pizza shop near me on a PR charm offensive
  6. Wouldn't be surprised at all if this dip is a way of creating an entry point for big lads
  7. Btb reckons goldman sachs have been running a demo account on AAVE and reckon institutional investment in defi July/August. Dyor of course
  8. I've been buying the dip but nowt mental. I don't mind either way what happens. I didn't buy enough after the last big crash, I know what to do next time
  9. Bowtiedbull substack $10/month is a decent resource @Rayvin.
  10. Have they just sat on it for 4 days like?
  11. Wait until I tell the polish lads at work
  12. Watched the Bret Hart episode this morning. Talking about the infamous montreal screw job. Great TV. Every episode ends with "and that's the bottom liiiiine" as well
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.astrazeneca.com/media-centre/press-releases/2021/covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca-confirms-protection-against-severe-disease-hospitalisation-and-death-in-the-primary-analysis-of-phase-iii-trials.html&ved=2ahUKEwiAg4jimc7wAhUQ_RQKHZmdCokQFjAAegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw29g83v101QsIcIrcVNuIx9
  14. Thought vaccines were 100% effective at preventing serious illness. Seems unlikely that she'd know 2 fully vaccinated people it's fucked. She's overegged the pudding for me, geoff
  15. I'm convinced only anti vaxers are dying now anyway
  16. Sounds like a nightmare. The more they prevent transmission the more they reduce immunity in the population. Let us out.
  17. Are we going to have a flu pandemic next? I can't see how there'll be any immunity left in the population after this
  18. Then they should release it if they want people to comply
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