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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Real is the freight train of economic growth China experiences year on year. I've got a lump of my pension in a China fund now. Stick yours in some sort of progressive emotional intelligence fund.
  2. We do mate we just self medicate and stfu about them. "How's you?" "A bit down tbh my anxiety levels are above pre-pandemic levels" Nobody cares.
  3. A vaccine that offers actual immunity, what a novelty.
  4. I'd have had respect for him if it was part of an enhanced severance package, with the club needing to handle it sympathetically given his achievements there a player. Then he went full Renton and cried. Loser.
  5. How dare you attack me, a pansexual, like this? You're cancelled.
  6. Well I don't read any of your posts that are more than a couple of sentences so brevity is your friend.
  7. "James Dean, shit, I'm more like Brad Pitt A little less pretty but I sling more dick I twang more riffs, I slide through grass I rip more lines than a ten pound bass" What's not to love?
  8. Well he mostly sings these days, has expressed views that rock-rap is dead and is clearly just pandering to an audience. I mean we (the west) are raising a generation of pussies though. Whilst China limits screentimes and is raising it's kids to excel, American parents are putting their young children through gender reassignment. That's the first I'd known of that track. Is there an album?
  9. Looks like we've got ourselves a pair of fullbacks that turn their backs to block crosses, lads!
  10. I think if we're in a perilous position come Jan his excellency might sign some fucking huge cheques.
  11. What conspiracy? That the transparent Chinese government wouldn't cover up a lab fuck up? Wheres that tennis player gone?
  12. I won't be getting another fucking corona 1.0 vaccine. Hopefully they'll give all you old cunts the outdated one and by the time my time comes it'll be new variant modified
  13. I'm waaaaaay too young. Sorry lads.
  14. Imagine being scared of breaking up children fighting. I'd have had that kid in Renton's metro story cheffed upon anticipation of him even making a fist. What a loser.
  15. hope you win the Cup. It'll be something to cling to whilst you watch on in horror at us buying every trophy there ever was
  16. Wisconsin again like. Looking forward to the Netflix series.
  17. It's tricky for me. He should have been found guilty for sure. But then there's the issue of expecting a 17 year old kid to behave properly with a semi automatic. He probably went there giving it Billy Big Bollocks and didn't go with any intent to shoot anyone and probably did shit his pants when it hit the fan. I haven't followed the case just seen some footage and read a basic synopsis of what happened. To escape any punishment is obv ridiculous. But I'd have been conflicted at putting the kid behind bars for most/all of his life.
  18. I like the rawk thread "Newcastle United - Journalist lives matter" Even ones from The Sun? @toughguymick@hotmail.co.uk
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