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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. No I'm not economically illiterate, Renon. Our deal with the EU was a huge collection of trade deals. Our deal with Australia is one single trade deal. The two are not the same. And your sudden concern for "British" farmers is laughable. Don't worry, once the sun starts a Save Our Farms campaign with a Union Jack logo people will reject the dirty aussie beef You've already told me you buy your meat from supermarkets. It's a shame your empathy doesn't extend to the butchers you've helped impoverish
  2. It's still an ongoing process and there's still hundreds of trade deals to be made. Yet people like you are posting graphs comparing one trade deal with Australia to our entire trade deal that we had with the EU. That's not indicative of wanting to move on. Wait until we've made all of our trade deals then compare. It's disingenuous
  3. nowt wrong with wanting the country to just fucking move on, is there?
  4. Whitty now warning for a roaring Flu season. Another consequence of being locked down for too long.
  5. BBC News - Living with obesity: The people who are hard-wired to store fat https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57419041 The state of this. You're storing fat because you ate a calorie surplus, tubby cunts
  6. Potential psychopath imo, and a definite narcissist
  7. I bet I know what your low-t flight or flight reaction was
  8. Remainers on the right seem to have accepted leaving mind. It's only the hard left that continue to point out what a shitshow it is, knowing it'll achieve nothing and won't be reversed. Most sensible people are bored of it now, and want to move on and make the most of the present.
  9. Listen. Me taking a kamagra is like strapping a turbocharger onto a ferrari. Don't assume they're for the impotent. I know loads of lads that keep them for emergencies for when they get too pissed. I literally got given them to try, years ago
  10. Well of there's no test to convert to dht then you're unlikely to lose hair.
  11. Well I do have a healthy libido because..
  12. And the full head of hair. I don't have time to listen to Joe Rogan but I like him
  13. Explains all the muscle injuries too
  14. Low t male catapulted into a faux alpha position because of money with disastrous results
  15. It's a valid point though. We aren't eradicating it so at some point we need to face it. The longer we wait the more risk that early vaccinated peoples immunity wears off. And end game is needed and suppressing it whilst deaths are low could be counter productive
  16. 400kgs AN HOUR? I can lift that in 2 deadlifts you lazy shit. Do you work with loads of wifeys? #lowtwork
  17. And our place would be like a fridge if the engines I hot tested only ran at 120 Celsius
  18. Does your mask end up oily and give you bad skin too?
  19. He said other than those stood next to Johnson and probably meant alternative expert opinions
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