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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. The vaccine rollout success has me thinking that we do have something about us and will be fine. We're a tiny island and one of the worlds biggest economies for a reason
  2. It has to get to a point where you realise that arguing with them is achieving nothing though. Let them reap what they've sewn. Things might even end up okay eventually
  3. How's the social anxiety anyway @Rayvin? I recently discovered Pregabalin. Bliss.
  4. I mean the hostility in politics is just tiring exhausting and outright depressing at the moment. What happened to respectfully disagreeing on issues?
  5. Aye. Presenting arguments in a less hostile fashion would go some way to preventing polarised politics. On both sides.
  6. Moaning and incessantly attacking people's intelligence are different animals.
  7. There's significant numbers in the EU that don't like freedom of movement, even if it isn't a majority. It's a divisive policy and therefore flawed
  8. They probably do acknowledge it deep down. But the hostility won't allow them to admit it. Either way, it is what it is. Arguing about it is doing nothing apart from creating a hostile atmosphere. Shut the fuck up is what I'm getting at lads
  9. Because their side "won" the vote. There is a lot to be said about losing gracefully
  10. Perhaps the problem was with the EU. A significant part of the populations of a lot of countries don't like freedom of movement. If they hadn't been so inflexible on it they wouldn't be in a perilous situation. When I was working abroad before the vote I got speaking to a German lad who asked me about brexit. Told him I wanted to remain and that the issue on the leave side was immigration. He ranted at me for about 10 minutes on how he hates it.
  11. I never said I was being pulled to the hard right mate, which is where all the things you raised come from. I identify more with people that want to unite the country and get on with things.
  12. So not being vaccinated is okay are you saying?
  13. You're achieving nothing though what's that saying about the definition of insanity?
  14. All of my values/beliefs lie centre-left but I feel increasingly pulled to the right because of the incessant noise being made over brexit.
  15. shouting at people won't make them acknowledge their mistakes though, that's the point.
  16. They didn't though, did they? They voted for a faux utopia that they were promised off a small group of sinister individuals and they swallowed it. Aye they're thick, but that's not really their fault, is it? Most of the population is ignorant regarding politics. Continuing to point out their fuck up will just entrench them further into their position. The hostility needs to end.
  17. At least we'll get to queue at airport customs, because we'll be vaccinated and allowed to leave the country. If only we were still in the EU, we could be dead
  18. Not really. I'm just tired of the noise from both sides.
  19. Good plan. That'll end polarised politics
  20. Look, forget the EU. Weird behaviour from the type of people that stalk their exes.
  21. I don't think comparing everything we do to everything we used to have is a way to progress, personally.
  22. There wasn't a mandate for either a soft or hard brexit, just a brexit
  23. We aren't in the single market. Move on. We won't be rejoining it any time soon.
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