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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Renton's fucking ridiculous brown panting over the issue needed some balance by somebody going the other way.
  2. Imagine collecting pinball and using "dweeb" as a slight
  3. Rather have a pint with Hancock than j69 like
  4. Thanks, though I'm not sure you're well equipped to gauge humour
  5. I mean I'm not denying that for some people it takes a bit longer to fully recover and they feel the after effects for some time. It's Renton shitting his pants making out that this is a reason not to reopen.
  6. I did consider that before I posted, but I imagine your lifestyle changes when you don't have to drive a taxi. The obligation to stay sober reduces for example
  7. Emma Hayes. Morata is "playing with angst". Ruined what could have been a canny match
  8. You what? You on furlough or what? You must be fuckin' (even more) massive now.
  9. Unfortunately i've heard reports from Bobby Malingerer at work that Delta causes a new illness called Even Longer Covid
  10. Pairs well with their survival of the fittest society
  11. Let's hope her company doesn't stop selling to the NHS out of spite
  12. It's called creating suspense.
  13. You quite literally said it is nothing else but the common flu
  14. You're wrong there. It's not an influenza virus mate. Thick cunt.
  15. You got covid 4 weeks ago, little Billy Truant, get back to school! But, but sir. I have LONG covid.
  16. Flu could mutate into a more deadly variant every year too. We don't shit our pants there. Long covid
  17. Expert Renton predicted with some confidence that deaths would rise a couple weeks ago though
  18. His wife is only with him because he has some money anyway. That's how they're programmed.
  19. Deaths in County Durham in the last 7 days is 0. 78% adults have had 1st dose, 60% second dose. End this madness.
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