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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Off her tits on benzos for a little back ache, and had the cheek to bollock me for using them as a sleep aid.
  2. I want Gemmill's divorce details like. All of them. In your own time though. Just when you're ready.
  3. The pinball wizard's lass will be getting a dick on next judging by how mortified he is by anybody that dares to drink or take any substance not prescribed.
  4. I'm an ambivert. It was more a case of her being unapproachable and my quiffvision detecting that she wasn't all that game. That and being with my parents. Come on Gemmill, what happened??
  5. Well you're all introverted boring shits. Look at Gemmill, we still don't know who binned who, or why they're oddly still friends. Screams of a revelation of one half being a flamer.
  6. I had a hard enough time getting pictures myself, she's no CT in a straw hat when it comes to confidence. They're all deleted now anyway. It's a weird situation because chatting to this other lass who I actually like we've been talking about the weirdos we've been approached by. She told me she had one guy message her saying he's seen her getting into her car at her workplace a few times but was too shy to approach her. I told her about the Czech. So there was a canny bit of piss taking going on. Then I was at work and getting egged on by the alpha-types to get her seen to so thought fuck it, it's been a while, and went through the the Czechs. Now when she comes up with new girl I don't think honesty is the best policy. I've never met her and already having to lie to her. Oh life.
  7. I blocked her on whatsapp after a few messages of telling me to be not afraid or shy to say how I feel, and later got the fucking longest text message known to man yesterday. About how to never do this to another girl, I was only fucking her because of the Viagra and she is ugly mess etc. I know we like to have a laugh and say birds are a bit mental and that, but this one is the biggest fruitloop I've ever encountered, ever. As a young, single stud (who can get rock hard erections and only used Kamagra for endurance purposes) I feel that I can take the moral high ground here over this mental married balloon who singled me out on badoo. Anyway I've found a potential more girlfriend material match on POF, just trying to delay any potential date til after pay day I've tried suggesting the new Hunger Games film knowing it's out around then, but I don't think she's a fan. I told her I understood and that I only like them because I'd ruin Lawrence. Who the fuck even dates, all of my exs have been mates first and fallen for my obvious smackyouintheface charm. Hate all this me. Quite happy single but can't afford my own place atm and don't want the approaching stigma of living with my parents at 30.
  8. Well she won't will she? Getting a designer dick that isn't an absolute magic wand would be like a bitch taking a picture of CT's tits to her surgeon.
  9. At work today right. Working with a bloke who I won't name because it's not important and you never know if someone from H.R is a toontasticer. Anyway he has long hair ponytailed, stinks a bit. Heavy metal type. Tells me hes got monday off. He's celebrating because his wife got her operation date. I act fake concerned out of politeness ask if she's okay. Oh yeah she's fine, she's going to get a dick on. Not sure if that's funny or not to anybody else. Thought I'd share anyway.
  10. Didn't the Durham Pine bloke build that? In the worst place imaginable.
  11. To King's Cross? Oh to have your disposable.
  12. Between Badoo and POF I've a couple of irons on the fire. And most are of this calibre. You started yet @@Gemmill ?
  13. She wasn't even going to fuck me because she was scared I wouldn't be back. I had to wrangle a way of convincing her and in turn myself that I'd be back either way regardless of what happened. Fairly sure there'll be some abuse, im just pleased she lives a good 25 miles away.
  14. Obviously, yes. We're not all sexy biker pinball wizard nurses
  15. I'm just getting back in now. The kamagra was a mistake i couldn't cum for toffee, she thought i was some kind of machine. She's fucking nuts mind. I knew it was 50/50 before i went whether i was going to get cut up. Worst part is there's no macho pride feeling whatsoever. I only went cos the work lads were egging me on. 12 hour shift at 11am. Cunterhead
  16. The kamagra pill i dropped for fatty erectiom assurance is wearing off..at work at 11am as well and a 40 minute drive away. Fuck my horse shit life
  17. I'm at some fat Czech lasses house that i met 2 days ago on Badoo. Trying to knob her and bullet, her kids keep waking up. Her husband is on nights. She's stopped mid foreplay to change a nappy. The low point of my entire life
  18. Good it's been overturned because of the bravado I've been giving about it being the worst decision I've ever seen that will be surely overturned.
  19. That's his 'here comes the aeroplane' routine he does when he's wining and dining a lady. If that one that had rattled the bar had gone in we'd have had the choo choo train
  20. Just realised Last Man On Earth s2 is 4 episodes in. Loved season one!
  21. They hate him over there because of the Lille carry on though don't they? A bit like their Sterling
  22. Got to feel sorry for you that a past-it Shearer and an over-the-hill Owen is the deadliest partnership in your living memory
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