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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. One for @Dr Gloomas the rest of you are low t. Did you see the world record bench press was smashed the other day? 508kg, heavier than the record deadlift. Madness.
  2. Don't let them break you Rayvs. I see 90% of adults had antibodies last month.
  3. Haiti president taking a hiatus from breathing
  4. Sick of hearing "it's coming home" now. Come on the Danes
  5. You have to be a massive cunt to buy one so size M
  6. That makes me want to beat them more
  7. I like the Irish. Proper Irish I mean. Not those from the annexed bit with the less palatable accent
  8. Probably thought you were a clever cunt when you, the sweepstake host, happened to pick Spain out to everyone else's suspicion and dismay.
  9. I'd pay for your beers after a win like. Some of us are cut from a different cloth
  10. Stuart Pearcesque redemption.
  11. You can always forward it on if you want to pay for them
  12. Only just. Beer delivery is no joke
  13. You won't win much with those stakes
  14. Lets not write the Danes off, their PEDs have already popped one heart
  15. Yeah it's about getting to normal. But also if not now then when? We are never going to get to zero cases so what criteria do we use? We've practically stopped it killing people.
  16. I mean people die and respiratory illnesses have always been one of the causes. We can't get caught up in some crusade to eradicate them because it isn't going to happen
  17. That the wave will peak and cases will fall without any significant spike in deaths
  18. Even those that are hospitalised aren't dying at the same rate as before as well. And even those that do are largely people that've opted against a vaccine. It might be seen as a gamble but it's a calculated one that I expect will work
  19. Sounds like you want to open his South gates
  20. have we ever had a less palatable politician?
  21. Perhaps we could send them to CONCENTRATION CAMPS. Sorry.
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