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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Our opinions are irrelevant, just get the seats sniffed and make your mind up
  2. Queuing for 2 hours at easter as well. Sad as fuck
  3. Hopefully this will this make him less of a cranky shit
  4. So Rafa had him putting in balls in earlier. Pardew gives him defensive drills.
  5. Take a few The Smiths quotes to dig himself out of this one
  6. funny as that is the thumb looking shite will be thriving off the attention as per
  7. Theresa May will probably insist that every beat bobby in the country has access
  8. is it safer to inhale than Japanese fanny batter?
  9. This appeared on my timeliness a couple of weeks ago http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/opinion/jay-z-the-war-on-drugs-is-an-epic-fail.html
  10. Just woke up as I'm on nights. Has CT arranged for his sister to punch any of you in the face yet?
  11. Is that how much they're selling them for
  12. Quinny was driving the bus and it ended up going in the opposite direction
  13. He'll just look the same but with an afro I'd wager
  14. At least LM's content was mainly football related. This fat cunt has been told directly that there's people on here whose livelihoods are likely to be affected by losing access to the single market and he still comes on boasting that we'll not be held to ransom over the single market etc etc. He's a fucking cock.
  15. What about accountability when they inevitably do kill? Can't blame the owner can you?
  16. I've changed my mind, if it's taking money from the taxi industry...
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