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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Don't, I'm pissed off with myself
  2. I haven't even been to sleep
  3. Try having to find somewhere to have Christmas Dinner every year that sells a fucking NUT ROAST. Because your weird barge-living great uncle flipped veggie when he met his lass. Low T.
  4. They still saying no human to human transmission?
  5. It's part of the reason people are so polarised about it
  6. Fwiw I don't think the stone you put on was fat. When I did it there was a rapid drop in weight initially before slower weight loss and I would attribute that to water retention.
  7. You'll not catch me in a Prius whilst governments continue to burn coal
  8. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/food/2019/sep/30/research-red-meat-poses-no-health-risk&ved=2ahUKEwjs1_WhgtHxAhX7URUIHT7KDG8QFnoECAsQAg&usg=AOvVaw2csupGCtczJ4wtBymjlzYW&ampcf=1
  9. *searches for next highest t poster* Hey @catmag did you see the world bench press record got beat the other day? 508kg, higher than the record deadlift. CRAAAZY!
  10. They've got to you. You'll be on top of Krusty Burger dressed as a cow next
  11. Look at the clip he's in, he's older than Noelie I think. 2kg of steak a day
  12. Give this lad a follow https://twitter.com/SBakerMD/status/1411043320441180166?s=19
  13. Wait just seen the post above. Are you vegan? Cos I'm going to have to reevaluate your t levels
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