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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Hughton is making this a 2 horse race. He's doing an outstanding job really, they've only conceded 9 goals all season.
  2. I watched that Mackem game and it was mental. Bournemouth were basically just walking it around the mackem defence but their finishing was appalling. Suppose it had to happen eventually though
  3. Bet the ChezGiven bloodline were slave owners. Imagine getting up early to make coffee before the machine?
  4. Looks like he's been paying his Indian mate a visit too often
  5. There wasn't even any standing on sale for Manchester, don't know if they all went in the presale that I knew nowt about. £85 quid a piece for lower tier seats is absolute horseshit like, kind of thing I'd expect Radiohead to be above.
  6. How did you get on? I had a right fucking carry on. First card I tried to use blocked randomly, likely for some kind of additional security check. They'll be getting some serious abuse when they ring me later. Second card I tried to use, the securesuite thing was just going blank and freezing. Literally doing nothing whilst the "Your tickets are reserved for" countdown timer was critically low. I got there in the nick of time by ringing my Mam, screaming at her for her card details. She was wanting an explanation whilst wasting more time on this timer. So she got a FUCKING HURRY UP I'VE GOT 3 MINUTES LEFT as well. All good in the end though.
  7. Like shite is my license fee funding your hobby. Writing to Points of View as we speak.
  8. http://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2016/11/03/guillem-balague-hails-rafa-benitezs-newcastle-win-percentage-on/
  9. If the administrators are called in I wonder if we see Short's FTM badge collection go to auction
  10. Parachute payments won't even cover their operating costs. They're losing circa £25m a season now. To suggest they'll be anything like Villa, who have a record Championship net spend, is also laughable.
  11. He was an occasional England sub in the reserves for his club who's strength in his position has lead to them paying 30m for Sissoko to strengthen it. There was nobody else interested at the price being quoted and eyebrows were raised when we coughed up. There was an international tournament coming up that he needed first team football to be in contention for. We should have had the upper hand in contract negotiations.
  12. The idea that they can go down and do what we're doing is nonsense. They'll be in deep, deep financial trouble.
  13. Prefer the Scotsman. Didn't see Palace trying to rescue the cunt from Spurs reserves in January. Not sure how a player in his position was able to negotiate a release clause either mind.
  14. Well apparently Short wants out so I doubt he'll do anything that doesn't have a value attached. Depends whether he thinks spending the few million would give them a chance of staying up. I don't think it would
  15. This didn't get the credit it deserved when I mentioned it before.
  16. Politically aware injured veterans or not? That would be key to my decision.
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