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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I've only ever owned one which I didn't think shaved close enough. Think it was Philips. Shite.
  2. Debbie Reynolds potential stroke. Grim Reap savaging through that family like a bull in a china shop
  3. Turning out for this one. Blackburn this season, Bournemouth and Villa last season are my last 3 games
  4. We have another Xmas dinner today to look forward to. Went to Walworth Castle yesterday with extended family as we felt obliged to, so we always have a closed-circle boxing day dinner at my old man's including much booze and football. My niece has strangely requested a ps4 with Fifa as well so I'll exert my dominance on there to the point where she no longer appreciates the gift
  5. tbf it's a handy present. Unless it's slapped in my face in a prominent supermarket position I never buy it
  6. Just a question of being in the right public toilet at the right time. I missed out too
  7. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/robbed.1311497/ bamps
  8. There was medical professional passengers on board that were pivotal in that. Bit of a lottery
  9. It'd be just my luck for the nation to grind to a standstill when I'm already off work
  10. Wonder how many years Gemmill's S7 edge shaved off his retirement age Mine is returning today, hopefully repaired
  11. Well at least you're a self-aware tight cunt. Sounds miserable as fuck mind
  12. It's basically the perfect car. Save for a deposit for mortgage whilst my adverse credit continues to repair now ha
  13. This is her. Complete with a cassette deck http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201608166849337?body-type=Coupe&make=NISSAN&maximum-mileage=80000&advertising-location=at_cars&colour=Black&onesearchad=Used&onesearchad=Nearly%20New&onesearchad=New&sort=price-asc&radius=100&model=350%20Z&postcode=dl55hx&page=1 The copper was sound like, complimenting the car making me feel like an absolute hero. He didn't ask about my living situation so probably assumed I'm just doing canny. £280 for 6 months tax, which is backdated of course to dec 1st, Eyewatering,
  14. Ye cunts Got it today and fucking hell I'm smiling for once. Already pulled and breathalysed. J69 will be proud that I blew a cool zero.
  15. I put the us/Chelsea double on thinking am easy victory against big eyes would coin me some easy cash. Then i looked and realised I'd accidentally selected Chelsea v Pardiola this weekend! You just know the horrendous cunt will have one of his spawn gqmew. Long overdue
  16. She's already concluded that i'm going to die in it tbf
  17. Just got my vote in late. Was feeling more optimistic tonight so went 2-0 toon
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