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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Same boat. We were the shortest price on it too
  2. 28% and suggestions on rtg that its the best theyve played all season. Hull winning
  3. Good I've backed Brighton! They can lose as many as they want after today
  4. When your career ends in your 30s you'd be away all the time man. I could spend 15 mill on a chalet in Courchevel to spend my retirement winters in if I went to China. Can't see why anyone would spurn the opportunity to have a significant amount more. There'll always be stuff to spend it on
  5. 15% possession so far on livescore. The lowest ive ever seen a team have
  6. Insanity to turn down the figures being talked about. Anybody that says otherwise is lying
  7. I like him but can't see the point in keeping him at this point. He doesn't have the mobility that Rafa likes from his strikers. If he's happy to stay as a back-up then fair enough
  8. That side looks dour like
  9. Well he was when he was younger, not sure if his allegiances changed after signing for boro. Was time wasting like a little cunt in the home fixture
  10. Im on us, Everton and Brighton. 17/2 treble
  11. Their keeper is a nufc fan, not sure what Stevie would make of you inciting black and white on black and white violence
  12. No need to ever replaced the head unit then. I'll be retiring early at this rate
  13. How do they work? Like will it be playing and then run out of tape and have to rewind or something?
  14. I've done it on other cars as well but from reading the 350z forums these can be trickier. Probably invest towards the summer when I've got more spare cash. Cassette aux is a stop gap
  15. Getting that one out is all well and good, getting a new one that doesn't look out of place/works with the steering controls and all 7 speakers is another challenge
  16. Are they any good? What's the sound quality like? It was 3 quid off ebay. DELIVERED!
  17. A cassette to aux adapter. I mocked at first but what an asset the cassette player has turned into
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