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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Hope it's a better game than last time mind. What a fucking borefest
  2. Late kick-offs are wank when your two rivals have won beforehand
  3. His aggression with N.Korea is a great thing imo
  4. Derby are done play-offs wise pretty much
  5. Going a bit over the top. We can still be effectively promoted by Monday if we win both tonight and on Monday if Huddrrsfield get beat. We need 9 points maximum.
  6. Depends how aggresive the rest of the table has been playing
  7. Gemmill last seen buying cable tie in preparation for the increased Easter weekend activity at taxi ranks
  8. He'll plump for whoever shows they want it the most by paying the most money. I wouldn't be sticking a Brown Ale logo on it for the sake of nostalgia if they don't cough up enough. I think we'll see somebody less morally objectionable after the Wonga carry on so I'm not really arsed. Probably be announced as soon as promotion is sealed
  9. There'll be a sponsor without a doubt
  10. LSD at recreational doses builds up tolerance quickly, requiring you to dose higher to get the same effects. Surely that'd be true of microdosing given how frequently they're dosing? I got some 1p-lsd before the psychoactive nanny state bill it was absolutely mint
  11. Higher club? You make it sound like money isn't his only consideration
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