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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Free agent, conceded less than everyone below 8th except West Brom. Big club experience. Doesn't wear double denim. What's not to like?
  2. Tbf Huddersfield were third and rested their entire squad for the last few games in preparation for the play-offs
  3. Maybe we could unearth one, instead of signing one that we know is a bit shit and on a big contract
  4. Snowboarding is so vastly inferior it's not even worth discussing. They ruin pistes as well
  5. Sturgeon knows her onions like, having a good old set-to with B-pad
  6. Out of anybody I've ever come across the internet you're the one I'd put money on having no real life friends. I bet you frown upon gambling though
  7. That Dave Allen is class to watch. Takes an unlimited amount of punches without even flinching. Nails
  8. Aye think it was his eye his left one looked fucked. Was that the one he broke before? I had him 5-1 up, downhill after that
  9. I thought he pressed too much on the IRA stuff. Corbyn's position was quite clear before the interview, the answers he gave after the first couple of questions weren't going to suddenly change. Seemed like a massive waste of time when he could have been scrutinising his plans for the country
  10. People already know about his supposed character flaws though, unless they're sitting on something new I don't think it's going to wash
  11. The next week will be interesting. He's made fast gains it'll be difficult for tories to arrest the slide from here. They're in a position of having no positive policies in their manifesto so they're probably going to resort to attacking Corbyn. Can't see that ending well for them.
  12. Why are you so certain? He's surging in polls, his odds have tumbled. His policies are popular, hers aren't. I think it's far from a foregone conclusion at this point
  13. Anybody watch Andrew Tory Brillopad grilling Corbyn? About 15 minutes on the IRA 5 minutes digging up old labour mp's quotes on him. 5-10 minutes of discussion on his policy proposals shoehorned in.
  14. I hate him. Whinging cockbag of a player. That thing he does where he rolls his man, runs into hos legs then throws his hands up in the air wanting a penalty/free-kick makes me want to punch him every time. His decent recent goal return for the mackems I think was a purple patch, he won't be taking that form into next season.
  15. If only we had an offshore detention camp that we could stick them all in without trial.
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