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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. It's for pain relief at low doses. I'm otherwise chirpy if you hadn't noticed!
  2. Yep at night for shoulder and neck pain. Benzo's are fun, tolerance is just pain in the arse wth them though
  3. I can chew benzos like polo mints and be fine, these things ruined me. Have you tried one?
  4. 25mg i'm on, which from my reading seems a tad high. Woke uo had a coffee then cabbaged out fot two hours. Still feel fucked now man
  5. He said it'll take a while like. Was it good imnthe end, except obviously from getting monged on?
  6. Witch hunt bollocks, demanded an apology from an angry baldy mackem boss. Vindictive little cunt then hawk0eted 'til I made a single wrong move. They've fucked me up these things, more hungover and groggy than any benzo ever
  7. Can cause lack of libido, no cunts laughing at my Kamagra stocks now are they?
  8. Apparently they use it for threatingADHD, my nickname is already Lazy Lee
  9. Got suspended from work last week, still off. Obviously had to play on the (probably real and untreated) stress and anxiety card in attempt to deflect fom the pbvious witch hunt, been prescribed Amitriptyline which I haven't really known of anybody else use before. Any of our other resident smackheads like @adios enlighten me?
  10. He's fucked off back to Darlo in embarrassment now mind. I did give him the lashings of a dog verbally
  11. Front and back, all over the grapes not being frozen enough
  12. Nah, he did bite my finger though the dirty darlo cunt. He's a fucking prick like, booted my sisters doors trough couple of months back. I let it slide a a one off. Then yesterday I was aeguing with my sister on the phone and I heard him mouthing off in the background about me, red mist... went over and giving him the lickings of a dog. He didn't like being called a woman abuser like. Or a scruffy ugly darlo bastard. Afterwards he claimed to only have not punched me cos im her brother. Fucking bollock
  13. Got into a bit f a scuffle night! Sister's boyfriend prick!!!
  14. Trying Barcardi Oakheart for the first time. Ready nice in a tall glass with ice, pepsi max and a slice of lime
  15. Hung parliment was a perfect excuse for a different party to prop them up on condition of a second referendum. Fucked it
  16. J. Carver, was the best coach in the premier league. He'd tear it up for them down there
  17. It'll be an out of work manager, they can't afford to pay Sweaty Fc any compo
  18. Not for 5 years though, how old is he??
  19. Read that the DUP will demand more resources for Northern Ireland. Yep, more resources for them whilst leaving the rest of us in austerity. Silly bastards
  20. So ultimately the tories are still going to be in government...
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