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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. These nurses going to foodbanks are just reading the same retirement site as Gemmill was before he scoffed at the 3 extra days he'd have to work by having internet access
  2. Tough position we're in. Until other clubs have made their moves there'll be a reluctancy to let players leave/go out on loan. Player power is reduced at the minute until wages realign with the new tv deal (we're going to be paying cannon fodder 100k+ when that happens). I've accepted that we'll likely do a lot of late business
  3. De Jong will get shamrock poisoning
  4. return to form https://youtu.be/stWvkSIJNPA
  5. http://www.kidrockforsenate.com
  6. I've bought 18 stellas and some chilli coated peanuts anyway whilst I can still afford to eat and drink. Need to get Jezza in pronto to raise minimum wage and make job hunting easier
  7. They got me on wilful breach of an act of safety for tossing a discarded bolt into a crate, it bounced up and another lad caught it. The lad put a statement in saying i'm a non aggressive lad, that they were no malice in it and that I was as surprised as him that it bounced up. So that and the facebook thing. He said he agreed with me about the manager that accused me of being abusive about a dozen times without being able to provide a single quote is full of shit. It was some little witch who's worked there for 3 weeks and i've never even spoken to that reported the bolt thing and i got drink/drug screened for it. Took a while for the lines to come up but they did and I passed. In the investigation the investigating manager says he'd have considered a second test and they talk about that. I argued that if 2 company managers aren't willing to accept that I was 100% drug and alcohol free after passing the screenings then how can any evidence be considered in my favour? I just want to know how a tribunal would see it tbh, not holding out much hope with the appeal because the HR manager is a self-important wanker
  8. I'm fairly sure their wage policies are illegal technically
  9. fuckin hate the place anyway tbh, it's Gestamp btw now i'm gone I'm not fuckin gagged. Used to be Thyssenkrupp, bought out by the spaniards who proceded to lower the wages of all new recruits. I was on a thyssenkrupp contract so on the higher rate so they'll have wanted rid anyway. Fuck them
  10. Right I tore them to shreds on abuse allegations but got sacked for threatening behaviour. A backstabber I was pming on facebook has had a screenshot coaxed out of him where I say "I hope he sacks me I'll torture him". Clearly hyperbole meaning I'd torture him using procedure but they're taking it literal. How would that stand up at a tribunal alongside my diagnosed stress? Fuck sake, I'll be posting Trivia threads this time next week
  11. I was under a lot of stress at the time too, my GP has confirmed it for them
  12. My hearing is today so a bit late. Honestly the case they've got against me is so weak I'm happy to take them on. There was a number of people present throughout, all of their statements contradict each other. Their allegations are all vague and they fail to substantiate any of them.
  13. aye I can hear the place on a night sometimes, can't see it though because there's some allotments and loads of trees behind the house. Commuting in the 350z would be a tenner a day though, it'd break me having to sell it so soon
  14. Aye I'll be off anyway given the chance, I'm taking these lot the whole way though because their case against me is bullshit.
  15. Telling them how much i lurrrrrrrrrrrrrve my 350z on the application sealed the deal I think
  16. Sent an 11 page long letter dismantling and pointing out all of the contradictions and inconsistencies of the 70-odd page investigation pack against me yesterday. I've fucking torn it to shreds and still think they'll try and sack me anyway. Been applying elsewhere whilst I've been suspended, been invited to a stage 1 skills test at Nissan so there's that to fall back on. 20 mile commute as opposed to 200 metres though
  17. I'd happily double drop right now like, 95% certain I'm getting the boot next week
  18. Smoke more tabs when you're off your lips though.
  19. Radiohead moved on Tuesday because of the bombing. Rain forecast of course
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