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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. We were told it was so dangerous because of lack of immunity in the population. Now there's plenty. You think I'm getting annual jabs? Fuck that.
  2. Spread it to who? Vaccinated people?
  3. Are they taken from your victims?
  4. Why would I? A dead arm for 3 days for to prevent a virus that I'm almost certain not to die from?
  5. Lad at work used to be on that shit and his fart were fucking rancid. He's a brexiteer from Billingham that thinks we should shoot migrants at the channel tunnel. He'd fit in well on here.
  6. She's just as bad. She's letting her child be brought up by one. Pure gold digger. Breeding little nonces for an easy life.
  7. I'll take my chances given the survival rate amongst my demographic and given my t levels I can't see long covid being an issue
  8. Most people dying are vaccinated
  9. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/15683064/adam-johnson-back-with-stacey-flounders-baby/ He's technically not a paedo according to rtg. Lawsuit coming.
  10. But the logistics of vaccine rollout render this almost impossible. The Delta variant is chinning double vaccinated people before the rollout of the current vac has even finished
  11. I'm in a low risk category and got the vaccine as part of a greater effort to reach herd immunity and return to normality. I'll be of the view that we should focus on only jabbing the vulnerable if that was a failed experiment.
  12. Not sure what your point is here. Mine is that we won't even have returned to normality before this current vaccine is toast. We were promised this vaccine would be the silver bullet to normality but it's looking increasingly likely that it won't be. How do you then persuade people to get an updated one?
  13. Piers Morgan says its the worst thing he's had as an adult and he's double jabbed. Soon it'll be dangerous even to the vaccinated. And before any normality even resumes. How many will be up for 2 doses of an updated vaccine? Not me.
  14. Who was watching the baby when you typed all of that out
  15. I didn't think there'd be anybody that could pick a fight with Patel and have me rooting for her
  16. I laughed at no pay rise coppers. That'll learn you.
  17. CT is doing 16/8 too. The 8 he's asleep for
  18. Can't say I'm fussed about signing another relegated loser
  19. Bet wearing a mask with keto breath is rank
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