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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Whenever that happens and we fail to capitalise we lose 1-0 In an abject 2nd half
  2. We've got the football world fooled now. Quick spree with the stavers cash and we are sorted
  3. I work with one. Pro nuclear weapons, pro NHS privatisation, anti EU, won't drink caffeine because it's poison but gets 2 sausage sandwiches from a nearby burger van for his lunch. I've only been there 2 weeks and 4 different people have told me that everyone hates him. A new lass started on Monday and recognised him from his old job somewhere and said he was universally hated there too.
  4. Yeah mikes sorted the loan first before the 20m striker target. Prioities. He might not land all his targets today but
  5. BOOM. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-5333945/Newcastle-agree-loan-deal-sign-keeper-Martin-Dubravka.html
  6. mackems 3 down in a relegation 6 pointer
  7. Can't blame him, his inflated wage is down to our reluctance to pay the going rate in transfer fees
  8. This is our punishment for the YFCB chants after the takeover collapse
  9. He's closer to 2 in 3 than 1 in 2. 2 goals away in fact. No guarantees he'd take to this league but that's not Feyenoords problem. They asked for a perfectly reasonable fee
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