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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Still better than Giggs. Rio and Ashley Cole too, both up there with best in the world in their respective positions whereas I don't think Giggs was
  2. Not football related but canny funny https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/dog-recovery-advice.1419084/
  3. Oh I remember one fried chicken eating fat french shit getting the same treatment
  4. They're exactly the kind of club that he'll be looking for as his his next job so it's good that they think that. Think I read he's won 7 of his last 53 or something like that
  5. With Hayden coming on just before and Shelvey hanging about further up the pitch it could be that Ayoze went up top and Shelvey to #10 and was looking to be an outlet if we won possession. Not that it excuses him like just trying to get my head around what he was thinking
  6. Sheldog getting correctly slated for the two we conceded. Unforgivable
  7. I thought he was in jail, but then remembered that's easington not east
  8. Bollocks that. Benitez got it wrong but if we'd held on it'd have been seen as inspired tactical nous. Would have taken it before the game I suppose.
  9. We just need to keep our shape and see it out. We've got that in our locker these days
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