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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Sounds like he just wanted an easy lump sum, the milf hunting little shit
  2. So would a 17 year old shagging a 37 year old here be traumatised cos it's legal here?
  3. He appears to have fallen asleep shortly after I accepted his invitation
  4. He's PMing me wanting to meet now
  5. The commentator on nbc said this is the equivalent of having Ali on the ropes
  6. Still think he did it on purpose. Looked fuming to be coming on. Dummy is out. Cunt
  7. Some right pant pissing going on. Kenedy was shit all game but we know he won't be like that every week. Hayden can fuck off. His red cost us the chance to get Rondon on. Still took an away point. We'll get points off Chelsea and Arsenal, despite some pundits pointing to the run of games as certain losses already.
  8. If Kenedy gets a 3 match ban, would the Chelsea game count towards it?
  9. 2nd game of the season and we've got a midfielder playing RB
  10. Probably making sure they know they're competing for their place.
  11. Fat shaming is good too and should be encouraged
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