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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Alpha Asian Vince Chung needs to be more clinical
  2. I suspect the reason for sacking him will be presented as because he needs to spend money to stay up, and doesn't want a departing manager spending it. Or something
  3. Oh aye and when he woke up unable to see after his first one, some cunt in Darlo a&e sent him home told him to double his blood pressure medication that he'd only just gone on. I googled his symptoms and the first thing that came up was stroke but a health professional missed it
  4. Aye, he's only 30 as well and had all sorts wrong with him. Multiple knee ligaments ops, blood clot on the lung, and now this. He's just getting back to work this week, its left him with a blind spot like. He's doing good all things considered
  5. I've booked to go skiing again in Courchevel in Feb, one of the lasses who's meant to be coming is under the spell of a conman boyfriend now though so is looking a flight risk and my mate had two strokes a couple of weeks after we booked. So all going swimmingly
  6. I projectiled at the Papua New Guinea bit
  7. I'd give her a good walking when she got back from work as well. Playa
  8. That's a long ring, even for one of you gays
  9. She's proving to be a bloody difficult woman
  10. No pay rise at Nissan amidst uncertainty. Advent period for Sunderland turkeys..
  11. Some sort of rallying cry of no substance
  12. It'd be a distraction for players that need support in what is a winnable game - a win that we'll be desperate for and it'll piss Benitez off who continues to emphasise the importance of staying together. Just keep attacking his businesses and backing the team. The more poison and bad feeling that comes into the ground the more certain to be fucked we are come the end of the season
  13. Is it going to hurt Ashley? Just 1 game that you've already bought tickets for?
  14. Just been looking for some new jeans and seen these https://www.asos.com/lee/lee-rider-slim-jeans-in-blue-storm-in-mid-wash/prd/9680138?clr=blue-storm&SearchQuery=&cid=5230&gridcolumn=4&gridrow=7&gridsize=4&pge=1&pgesize=72&totalstyles=86 Ideal for footsoldiering in.
  15. Still exporting all those diesels though huh?
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