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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Our attackers are seldom in decent positions
  2. The Don can't pussy out this time, surely.
  3. I like how we've been on the verge of a war and a passenger plane has wiped out killing all passengers and crew, both in the last 24 hours, and the BBC top story is about Harry.
  4. Us embassy under rocket attack
  5. They're doing a show called "Thriller live" at Sunderland Empire. Just seen the advert on ITV. More paedo worship
  6. Luckily he's second born and we'll be spared a pussywhipped monarch
  7. Why aren't flights sending black box data wirelessly to a server somewhere? Surely it's not beyond current technology.
  8. Probably right. Not entirely dissimilar to Johnson's election strategy.
  9. I agree that it's deliberately restrained bluster from Iran, can't confidentally predict that Trump will leave it though
  10. Trump warned them on Twitter (lol) a few days ago against attacking American bases
  11. @spectatorindex on twitter No graft for me
  12. Blasts heard in central Baghdad
  13. They were ballistic missiles apparently. I read Iran were claiming to have killed 30
  14. Dunno some radgey posting probably fake news. Seemed creible though. Got shut down pretty quickly though. I don't think 0 fatalities is confirmed is it?
  15. Strategicnews1 twitter account has been suspended. Wow.
  16. Fuck knows. They must have a plan. Iran leader is in the control room. The operation is called Overwhelming Response.
  17. Trump to address nation this evening. Iranian air force now in Iraqi airspace
  18. Apparently Iraqi soldiers have been killed inside the bases have been hit...
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