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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. Pardew is a cock but at least tried to present himself as being semi-intelligent. Bruce is thick as fuck and anybody that's ever listened to him speak over his two decade managerial career could see that. Carveresque levels of pigshit.
  2. I for one didn't see any flaws in the policy of signing a crock for some positive PR
  3. Joelinton might stop being so mobile now he's injured his groin.
  4. Did Rafa take the paddling pool to China with him?
  5. So our striker got injured and rather than sub the striker on the bench on, he's put a winger on. It's obvious why. But then people said signing Carroll was risk free.
  6. Has Joelinton touched the ball in his preferred position yet? Or is this new position not his usual position either ?
  7. Bet Bruce is glad he coached the defensive mentality out of them
  8. Looks like he's wide today. Couple of hours for 69 to make a new excuse up
  9. He's not playing the exact role he played at his last club and that's, through absolutely no fault of his own, making his basic play absolutely shite or something.
  10. So fatty plays Lejeune through all the fixture congestion but now he won't start him after a 9 day rest and instead is throwing players just back from injury straight into the team. What could go wrong?
  11. He can have the hair peace prize
  12. Hitachi has been failing to win important contracts for years. Unsurprising given their "group activity" recruitment process filtered out intelligent people in favour of gobshites. Hope they go under.
  13. There was no way of knowing he was a Thatcher-loving tory cunt from the beginning tbf to them. Oh wait that's not right is it?
  14. Wasnt it something to do with the IRA
  15. He's had enough baits and bites owa the festive period goin off his photo on Twitter.
  16. He doesn't look like he lost any of that beef he said he'd put on
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