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Everything posted by TheGingerQuiff

  1. I mean it's become so toxic that he's having to fully rebrand Sports Direct. But enough facts.
  2. There is actually. By actually staying away and seeing what happens as a result. But fucking mongos can't bring themselves to do it.
  3. Ridiculous that the penny hasn't dropped to this plank isn't it? He bought the club to be a billboard, has consistently fought tooth and nail against dropping crowds but enablers continue to deny the damage they're doing
  4. If empty seats doesn't matter why did he give tickets away to prevent them?
  5. Because you're enabling the cunt, to the detriment of the club and everybody sensible enough to stay away.
  6. And he'd proposed to somebody else by 2018. Didn't piss about did he?
  7. Probably a bit of pr to paint him as a human whilst his wife's body cools down
  8. all the forwards are mint. Apart from at scoring goals but that's everyone else's fault. In a nutshell.
  9. The same argument applies to Almiron and ASM though. You've lamented Joelintons lack of service whilst praising our two creative players as our best.
  10. Of course you have you're like God's punchbag
  11. Always been a bit shit hasn't he? Just marginally less so when Benitez was telling him where to stand
  12. Nah best Widemen we've had at the club in years @Kid Dynamite said. In a separate post to the one lamenting Joelinton's lack of service of course.
  13. Joelinton trying to endear himself to the board's Irish wing by turning out dressed as Guinness
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